A Guide to Airbnb Plus from UpperKey

7 min readJan 14, 2022


With iRenting and Proptech becoming increasingly popular ways to rent out or find a place to stay in, Airbnb has made it easier than ever for guests to search for somewhere to stay either at home or in another country. The app has taken off and gained a lot of popularity as a way to stay in homes rented out by locals rather than generic hotels, and it works with hosts who advertise properties in cities, the countryside, and everywhere in between. No matter where guests stay, they will enjoy all the benefits of booking with Airbnb including convenience and 24/7 support.

However, some travellers are still hesitant about using Airbnb and staying in a home rather than a hotel. They might be looking for more reassurance that they will get everything that they need during their stay or need to be sure that they can expect the short-term rental to be as pictured in the listing.

To help put guests minds at ease and secure more bookings for property owners with short lets considered, Airbnb has launched a new program, Airbnb Plus. Anybody with an Airbnb licence number and Airbnb registration number, including Airbnb property management in Paris or local homes in the countryside, are eligible for Airbnb Plus. Read on to find out more from the Upperkey.

What is Airbnb Plus?

Airbnb Plus refers to a special section of Airbnb. To be listed here, listings need to meet strict requirements for cleanliness, features and amenities, and design. Along with this, any Airbnb Plus host needs to consistently provide an exceptional experience for each guest along with maintaining a high star rating. All Airbnb Plus properties also need to feature effortless self-check-in using a keypad or key lock box. They get priority support from the Airbnb Plus customer support team to provide an even more premium experience.

What Guests Can Expect From Airbnb Plus

Airbnb Plus is designed to be as easy as possible for your guests to use. All they need to do is head to the Airbnb website or app and type in their chosen destination. Then, any Airbnb Plus listings are featured more prominently on the results page. When guests choose to look at an Airbnb Plus listing, they can expect a few different things. Firstly, Airbnb Plus listings are expected to have more detailed information and contain more photographs of the property compared to regular listings. The ‘Plus’ badge helps potential guests easily differentiate Airbnb Plus listings from the rest.

How Hosts Can Get Their Property Listed as Airbnb Plus

Understanding how Airbnb Plus works for guests may inspire you as a host to get your property listed under this category for the additional benefits. More prominent listings in results pages along with a trust symbol in the form of the Plus badge can be hugely beneficial when it comes to building more trust with your guests and securing more bookings for your property.

In order to become an Airbnb Plus host, your property will need to meet all the required standards. Some are very objective, including a certain set of amenities that your property must offer and having a star rating of no less than 4.8. On the other hand, others are more objective, including the requirement to have a property that offers exceptional design and quality. If you’re not sure that your property is going to meet this requirement, it’s a good idea to check out some Airbnb Plus properties that are similar to yours and do some redecorating if needed.

The main thing to bear in mind is that Airbnb Plus isn’t something that you can apply to be a part of. Once you have set up on Airbnb or are paying the Airbnb management cost for your new hospitality business, Airbnb will invite you to join Airbnb Plus if you meet the requirements and they feel that your property is a suitable candidate. All types of properties are eligible for Airbnb Plus as long as the basic requirements are met. You’re in with a chance of being invited if your home is exceptionally clean, well-designed, offers self-check-in, and has an excellent reputation. So, if you get an invitation from Airbnb, what are the next steps?

Join the Airbnb Plus Program

Once you get an invite from Airbnb, you will need to agree to a certain set of terms and join the Plus program. Terms include that you will only accept reservations for guests to stay in your property through Airbnb or your own website. You’ll need to take your listing down from other booking websites and update your Airbnb calendar availability. Along with this, you will need to pay a non-refundable, one-time fee to cover the cost of the home inspection, report, and photoshoot required for all Plus properties.

Schedule a Home Inspection

Once you accept Airbnb’s invitation, they will come and inspect your home to make sure that it does meet all Plus standards and take professional photos to showcase its best features. Refer to the Airbnb Plus Home Checklist while preparing for your inspection. It will take you through everything that you need to do to make sure that your home is accepted to the Plus program, including the necessary amenities, design tips, and cleaning and maintenance requirements.

During the inspection, somebody from Airbnb will come to your home and assess it using this checklist. Don’t worry if you don’t meet everything, though — you’ll get a chance to make some changes if anything falls short of the requirement. It’s a good idea to invest in a professional deep clean for the property beforehand, as this is a very detailed inspection that won’t leave any stone unturned.

Make Any Necessary Changes

After your home is inspected, Airbnb will send you a property report that will include any changes that will need to be made on the property before you can join the Plus program. This could include details of anything that needs to be repaired, cleaned, or amenities that you’ll need to add to be eligible. In some cases, you might be asked to make changes to the design or décor of your property. Once you have made the required changes, send photographs of the completed work to Airbnb. If the changes are approved, your listing will be upgraded to an Airbnb Plus listing and you can begin hosting guests.

FAQ On Airbnb Plus

Now that you know more about how Airbnb Plus works for both guests and hosts, here are some common questions that both parties have asked about these specialist listings.

Where Can You Get Airbnb Plus?

Whether you are a host or considering staying in an Airbnb property, Airbnb Plus is available in over one hundred areas around the world, mainly in larger cities. You can find Airbnb Plus properties for rent or become eligible to add your property to the Airbnb Plus list in New York City, San Francisco, Chicago, London, Milan, Sydney, Melbourne, Austin, Cape Town, Rome, Shanghai, and many more.

When Can I Get Airbnb Plus in My Area?

Currently, Airbnb Plus is not available everywhere. However, Airbnb continues to expand this program to new cities and areas around the world daily. If Airbnb is planning to launch Plus in your area and you believe that your property may be a good fit, you will be notified and invited to join.

What Are the Basic Airbnb Plus Requirements?

There are no special requirements for guests to stay with Airbnb Plus. If you are a guest, all you need is to have an account that is in good standing and a Plus host that approves your request to book. For hosts, there are cleanliness, design, check-in, and amenities requirements to meet.

How Much Does Airbnb Plus Cost Guests?

Most of the time, Airbnb Plus hosts don’t earn any extra money from guest bookings. However, you may find that with a Plus badge, you can afford to raise your prices a little as guests will often be willing to pay more to stay in a property that they are sure has met rigorous standards. Guests pay a nightly rate, service fee, and any local taxes that apply when staying in an Airbnb Plus property. You can also charge a security deposit or cleaning fee to guests. Although most Plus hosts do not charge guests more to stay in their top-quality property, the fact that your listing will be more prominent on the results page, and has a trust symbol like the Plus badge, usually means that you can book up your calendar faster as guests are more likely to go for a Plus property over a regular one for the guaranteed exceptional experience.

Is Airbnb Plus Only Available to Superhosts?

Hosts do not need to be an Airbnb Superhost to be eligible for Plus, although this status can help you get an invitation. However, the Superhost program is based on hosting skills, rather than the property specifics, so it’s possible to get on Plus without being a Superhost or become a Superhost without being on Airbnb Plus.

Airbnb Plus is a program that showcases the best properties to guests, chosen by Airbnb. Meeting requirements for cleaning and maintenance, exceptional home design, self-check-in, great amenities, and a good reputation will improve your chance of being invited to join this program.

