Essential Tips for Airbnb Hosts to Make Guests Feel Welcome

7 min readFeb 9, 2022


The rapid growth and booming popularity of Airbnb is one of the main reasons why the iRenting and Proptech industries are becoming the leaders in holiday rentals today. Whether you’re just starting out with a new hospitality business and are in the process of getting your Airbnb licence number to start advertising your room or property to rent on this popular site, or are offering Airbnb property management in Paris and other popular cities for short lets considered, understanding how to make guests feel comfortable, welcome and at home during their stay is key to becoming a successful Airbnb host, getting more bookings, and achieving coveted badges like Superhost and Airbnb Plus.

Whether you are new to hosting or a an Airbnb Superhost, UpperKey can help you leverage your hosting game.

The more welcome your guests feel, the more likely they are to leave you glowing reviews with a high star rating that will contribute to improving your overall reputation as a host and can help to put your property in front of more potential guests who are searching for a place to stay in your area. So, what are Airbnb guests looking for when it comes to feeling welcomed? The Upperkey explains what guests want and how to provide it.

Good Communication

The trick to being a successful Airbnb host is to make your guests feel welcome before they have even arrived at your short-term rental. Whether you’re dealing with guests who are new to Airbnb or people who use this app all the time to find somewhere to stay, prompt, clear, and friendly communication from the host from the first point of contact will make all the difference. Successful Airbnb hosts make sure that they have systems in place to ensure that any guest enquiries are responded to promptly. This is not only important for making guests feel welcome but also for your bottom line as guests who wait more than twenty-four hours for a response are more likely to find somewhere else to book. Before the booking date, make sure that your guests have been provided with as much information as possible on where your property is, how to find it, where to find the keys when they arrive, and anything else. Ask your guests about any special requirements or extras in advance.

A Friendly Greeting

Self-check-in is becoming more and more popular with Airbnb properties, and as a result, it’s no longer essential to be there to greet your guests in person. Self-check-in is often preferred by some Airbnb guests who may have had a long journey and just want to focus on getting into the property and settling down before meeting their host. However, if you offer this feature, it’s important to make sure that it doesn’t make guests feel left behind or forgotten about. Along with making sure that you provide clear instructions to your guest to ensure that they can check in easily, you might also want to leave them a welcome note or letter along with some essentials like coffee or tea that they can help themselves to upon their arrival, to make them feel welcomed and valued as soon as they enter the property.

Add a Personal Touch

It’s important to make your guests feel personally welcomed when they enter the property. Greeting them personally at the door is, of course, one of the best ways to do this but it might not always be possible, especially if the host does not also live at the property they are renting. A welcome pack is a great way to make your guest feel welcomed from the moment that they arrive. You can make it even more personal by including any information that you have spoken to your guest about previously.

For example, if you know that they are staying with kids, you could gather information on some of the best things to do for families in the area and leave these where they can be easily found, like on the kitchen counter or coffee table. Local guides including information about nearby supermarkets and shops, healthcare facilities, transport links, banks, cash machines, restaurants, pubs, and more can also be a very helpful way to welcome your guest, take a load off their mind, and help them get settled in and feel at home.

Leave Instructions for Guests

Many Airbnb guests want to avoid bothering their hosts with lots of questions, so it’s a good idea to make sure that they have access to all the information that they need once they arrive. The last thing that you want is for your guests to be frustrated by trying to figure out how something works, so it’s a good idea to leave instructions for everything in the house that they can turn to if needed, such as TVs, dishwashers, laundry facilities, the Wi-Fi password, the central heating, where to put rubbish and recycling, and how to work the shower.

Stock the Property

Ensuring that your property is well-stocked with everything that your guests might need will help their stay run smoother, increase your chance of a good review, and make your guests feel valued. Along with the basics, you may also want to consider adding some additional extras or even send your guests a quick message when you know that they are on their way to see if there is anything that they have forgotten that they will appreciate you grabbing for them. Make sure that guests have plenty of washing-up liquid, soap, kitchen roll, toilet roll, spare lightbulbs, and kitchen basics like oil for cooking, tea and coffee, long-life milk, and other staples. Providing shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel in the bathroom is a friendly touch. Go even further by offering items like spare phone chargers or USB plugs that your guests may have forgotten to pack.

Keep It Clean

It goes without saying that all Airbnb guests expect to stay in a place that is clean and tidy. No matter how many other steps you take to make your guests feel welcome, dirt and bad hygiene will always bring the entire experience down. You should undertake a thorough cleaning of the property between each guest, including emptying any rubbish bins, changing the bedding and towels, dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and fully sanitizing the bathroom. Right now, guests will always appreciate being made to feel as safe as possible in your property when you take additional cleaning measures in response to COVID19, including more deep cleaning in between stays and thoroughly sanitizing high-touch areas like doorknobs, handrails, and light switches.

UpperKey’s Essential Tips for Airbnb Hosts to Make Guests Feel Welcome

Put Yourself in the Guests Shoes

The most successful Airbnb hosts tend to treat their guests in a way that they themselves would like to be treated during a stay. Treating your guests as you would like to be treated is one of the most important parts of successfully running an Airbnb property, although it’s important to bear in mind that every guest is different and what works well for you might not be as effective for somebody else. Because of this, spending some time getting to know your guest and what they expect from their stay will work in your favour.

Be Easy to Reach

No matter how much work you put into making sure that your guests feel welcome and have everything that they need during their stay, there is always the risk that something is going to go wrong. Maybe there’ll be a leak while a guest is staying in the property or perhaps the Wi-Fi will go down and the guest cannot get online. It’s important for Airbnb hosts to be prepared for any problems that might arise and to make sure that they are easy for guests to get hold of. Along with being reachable through the Airbnb app, it’s a good idea to provide your guests with alternative ways to get hold of you during their stay, such as a number that they can call or text if you are not living at the property. If you’re living at the property, make sure that guests know where to find you.

Leave Good Reviews

When you host an Airbnb, you know that not every guest is going to be somebody you’d welcome back again. Some guests might be untidy, dirty, or even damage your property or be rude to you. However, these types of guests are thankfully rare, and most of the time you will be hosting people who can treat your property with respect. Airbnb is unique in that along with allowing guests to leave reviews of the properties and hosts that they stay with, the host can also leave a review of the guest. Leaving positive reviews of guests thanking them for staying with you can help you make sure that your guest not only feels welcome during their stay but also that they know they are welcome to come back, which can improve your chance of getting repeat bookings and word of mouth recommendations.

Airbnb offers a unique method of sharing your home with guests. With competition rising, hosts that go the extra mile to make sure that all guests feel welcome and at home tend to be the most successful.

