How Does HR Handle Discrimination in the Workplace?

Upraise Success
3 min readSep 4, 2023


Workplace discrimination poses a significant challenge, with the potential to harm both employees and the broader company culture. HR (Human Resources) departments assume a crucial responsibility in tackling and alleviating these concerns, with a focus on creating a secure and inclusive atmosphere for all employees. Within this article, we will explore the methods and techniques HR utilizes to effectively address and manage workplace discrimination, shedding light on how does HR handles discrimination-related issues.

Understanding Discrimination: The first step for HR is to ensure a deep understanding of what constitutes discrimination. Discrimination can manifest in various forms, such as age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. HR professionals must be well-versed in the applicable laws and regulations that prohibit workplace discrimination, enabling them to recognize and address these issues effectively.

Promoting Prevention: HR’s role goes beyond just responding to incidents of discrimination. They actively work to prevent such issues from arising in the first place. This involves implementing diversity and inclusion training programs that educate employees about acceptable behavior and foster a culture of respect. By promoting awareness and understanding, HR helps build an environment where discrimination is less likely to occur.

Creating Clear Policies: HR develops and enforces clear anti-discrimination policies that outline expectations for employees’ behavior. These policies should be easily accessible to all employees and detail the consequences of violating them. Clear guidelines provide employees with the knowledge they need to recognize discriminatory behavior and report it promptly.

Reporting and Confidentiality: When an incident of discrimination occurs, HR provides employees with a safe and confidential channel to report their concerns. This open line of communication is crucial for those who might fear retaliation. HR ensures that all reports are taken seriously, investigated thoroughly, and kept confidential to the extent possible.

Investigation and Resolution: Once a report is received, HR conducts a thorough investigation. This involves interviewing the parties involved, gathering evidence, and assessing the situation impartially. If the investigation confirms the occurrence of discrimination, HR takes appropriate action. This could range from counseling and sensitivity training to disciplinary measures, depending on the severity of the offense.

Mediation and Conflict Resolution: In cases where the discrimination issue is more nuanced or involves interpersonal conflicts, HR might opt for mediation. A trained mediator can facilitate a discussion between the parties involved, helping them find common ground and reach a resolution. Mediation can be a valuable tool in resolving issues while preserving working relationships.

Continuous Monitoring: HR’s involvement doesn’t end with the resolution of a single incident. They continuously monitor the workplace for signs of discrimination or any related concerns. Regular check-ins and surveys can provide valuable insights into the overall atmosphere, helping HR to address potential issues before they escalate.

Supporting Victims: HR plays a vital role in supporting employees who have experienced discrimination. They offer guidance, resources, and emotional support to help victims navigate the aftermath of a discriminatory incident. By showing empathy and understanding, HR demonstrates its commitment to the well-being of all employees.

Educating Leadership: HR takes the responsibility of educating the leadership team on the importance of addressing discrimination. When the leaders of an organization prioritize diversity and inclusion, it sends a powerful message to the rest of the workforce. HR ensures that the leadership team understands the impact of discrimination on the company’s culture, reputation, and bottom line.

In summary, the task of dealing with discrimination in the workplace is a complex effort that involves proactive measures, thorough investigations, and sustained dedication. Effectively managing discrimination is central to HR’s role in nurturing a thriving and efficient work environment. HR achieves this by promoting inclusivity, proactively preventing incidents, and swiftly and effectively addressing issues, demonstrating how to deal with discrimination in the workplace while simultaneously upholding the principles of fairness and contributing to the overall success of the organization.

