6 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills

Upraise Success
3 min readSep 28, 2022


Learning good communication skills is a simple process that helps you express yourself and enhance your personal and professional relations. The right way to listen and communicate precisely helps you express your opinions. It allows you to convey your message in meetings, interviews, client interactions, and in your personal life.

Being a good communicator means actively listening and effectively expressing yourself to those you meet regularly. Effective communication needs a good skillset that includes verbal and non-verbal interaction cues and active listening.

Importance of effective communication

Active communication is essential both in and out of the workplace because it helps you to translate your feelings and put them into simple-to-understand words. Good communication makes you a productive person and eliminates miscommunication’s unintended consequences. Organizing an effective communication process allows you to understand what others mean and makes you an efficient collaborator and active team member.

Ways to improve your communication skills

If you think you cannot convey your feelings when conversing with someone, here are some effective ways to improve communication skills.

Become an active listener: A good communicator is always a good listener. Active listening means engaging with someone by giving affirmative answers and questioning back to show you’re paying attention.

Concentrate on nonverbal communication: Understanding nonverbal cues and signs can protect you from miscommunication and show your interest to those near you. Focus on facial expression and body language while speaking to someone in a personal or professional environment. Your non-verbal signs impact the first impression on your clients and colleagues. Maintain eye contact, restrict hand movement, and have a good body posture when meeting someone.

Handle your emotions well: To make clearer and better communication and for your well-being, it is essential to handle your emotions and convey them suitably in the right context. Allow strong emotions to emerge in a professional environment, as it can lead to miscommunication and conflict.

Seek feedback: You can ask for honest feedback without hesitation on your colleagues’ communication abilities. Seeking peer advice on enhancing your communication skills can help you understand how you are coming across in an office setting. Promote a willingness to understand other people’s perspectives and develop better relations with your subordinates and colleagues.

Try public speaking: Public speaking may sound tedious, but there’s no better way to develop efficient communication abilities than by choosing public speaking opportunities. Good communicators can share their feelings, whether talking one-on-one or in a group. Regularly speaking as a public speaker or in a group will maximize your communication strengths and limit your weaknesses, helping you develop better communication habits.

Develop a filter: Good communicators usually have well-developed social skills and can modulate how they express their feelings to those they’re interacting with. Know the right way to express yourself in unique interpersonal contexts. Set up a filter to help supplement your communication and ensure you have a specific level of decorum to make your point clear without creating any conflict.


Communicating freely is of the most efficient skills to develop as a person. Remember to interact using both verbal and non-verbal cues. Listen to others and ensure your conversation content is always right and to the point. Use the abovementioned communication tips to enhance your skills and grow as a communicator.

