Thank YOU Business Accelerator!

Carolyne Ergin
3 min readJul 17, 2020


The idea of having a Posture School was a lifetime theme and in 2008 the first concept of it was born. It was a fusion of biomechanics and architecture. Unfortunately, it was not pushed as I wanted. The Book, podcasts and videos were still only in my head.

Business accelerator came into my life in May 2020. Here I found everything I always dreamt of. It mainly answered my questions about how to reach out to people through social media. The structure which was given in this 8 week long course, was leading me immediately to an eye opening path I always wanted to take.

Now, I have something in my hands which covered every milestone and put it in kind of a treasure boxes. Now, it is time to dive deeper into the treasure boxes I was given and apply every gem to my concept.

It is a challenge to push yourself continuously forward. But by exactly knowing the goals I want to reach within a time frame of six months, I was given instructions to build my business plan step by step. The course cover the long term plan as a macro-overview and also the short term put in a monthly goals as a micro-plan.

This all put together gives your product through this structure a big momentum to become real and live. The hardest part is to keep this big wheel moving. With every push you are getting stronger, more confident and grow with your product in mind to your better self, you always wanted to be.

A big compliment and thank you to this mentorship of Business Accelerator which was done very nicely and precisely. As I learned, it all depends on you being reliable to yourself and keep the good spirit up. I am looking forward to dive deeper and carve out every detail which my UpRight! Posture School needs. Since I was given the tools through this 8 week long challenging and very demanding Business Accelerator course.

Let me focus a little bit more on the word RESISTANCE. After overcoming not only once, more likely several times, my resistance I was able to do things I never thought I could do. It showed me through this simple, little word with big meaning, how easy you can avoid what life is bringing. Accept the things that are coming in your way instead of blaming other because your ego knows exactly how it should be.

I learned that gratitude is attitude and I am now much more able to accept things like they are. To put it down in simple words it is like it is, and how it is, is always good! Eat, bite, chew, swallow, digest and know that everything that life is throwing at you is the best nourishment you right now need.

This leads me to the next point. Throughout this course I learned extreme ownership and made things work. The credo I got through this course is a big confirmation that what I am already doing is the right and natural way to behave, like a graceful human being. Instead of blaming, avoiding and other attributes which are right now so common is the attitude of the snowflake generation.

We only can get stronger if we overcome our obstacles. I understand that the comfort we have been given like clean water supplies, electricity, ample food, mobility and healthcare made it sometimes hard to realise that we should be grateful and more focused on our inner growth. We tend to care more about our hairstyling instead of being connected between heaven and earth. This only can be done if our body is directed upright and therefore I am very happy that my baby UpRight! Posture School can bring more value through this knowledge to everyone who is interested.

Thank you Business Accelerator for pushing me forward and teaching me how to offer value and transform the situation I found to a better one when I leave.

