Can I get a cash advance in my checkings account with USAA?

25 min readApr 13, 2019


Can I get a cash advance in my checkings account with USAA?

Is it even possible to get cash advances on your debit card just like your credit card? Will it be considered a loan or something like that? I’m in serious need of money right now but my military paycheck isn’t even close to be enough. It’s not an emergency or anything but I’m gonna be in a bit of a hole if I don’t get that money soon.

Answer : I suggest you to try this web page where you can compare from different companies: .

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Where can i bid without using any CREDIT CARD?
Actually i dont have a credit card and my dad doesnt wanna lend his card, so i thought that if there was any other bidding auction site where i can bid without the credit card. THANKS.””
Car loan or home equity loan?
We have a GOOD credit history. Thank you to the genuine answers. I think its good advice to keep it seperate and will look into this. To others — please do not use this as an opportunity to promote your credit businesses (or scams?). We always choose and prefer to use a reliable lender. This was NOT a question about where to get finance….just type of loan was better.
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How do I find out if someone has filed for bankruptcy?
My employer has been bouncing checks all over town, including employee’s paychecks. Between bounced checks and checks that I’m holding because they’ll just bounce if they’re deposited, he owes me almost $10,000. He’s been on an economic downhill spiral for a few years, and I suspect that he’s about to hit rock bottom. I’ve stopped working for him, but I need to collect on these checks. I plan to file a complaint with the state dept of labor, which says it can garnish funds from his bank account within 60 days, but without the $5,000 maximum judgment of small claims court. My concern is that he will file bankruptcy before I get paid. I know that I can file as one of his (many) creditors in bankruptcy court, but how do I find out when/if he’s applied for bankruptcy? Do I have to subscribe to some publication and watch for his name, or is there some watch list”””” where I can request to be contacted if he files? How does it work””
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Can a creditor come to my place of business?
Ive been looking around Im supposed to write a letter to the company and let them know what that branch”””” (i guess) is doing. i was also thing that that was some form of harrassment. I was going the step further and thinking stalking. Too far? Oh and dear the law says that after I tell them to stop contacting me at work they have to.””””””
Can i get a mortgage/loan in US bank to purchase a house in Mexico?
First fact: my family is mexican and we live in Mexico. For the past years i have noticed the mortgage rates in the US are really low, even after the financial crisis 5%. In Mexico the rates are simply insane, they start at 15% and can go up to 20s/30s. So since your rates are way better up there in the USA… can I get a loan/mortgage there and use that money to purchase a house on this side of the border? *My household makes several times more a month the estimated monthly payment, so what do you guys think?””
“”I already have home modified, can I now file for bankruptcy?””
house is modified and have been making new payments for 1 year now. I have about $30,000 in credit card debt and now one collection agency is wanting to take me to court. Can I file for bankruptcy and save my house? We also only have 1 car which is paid off. We have only one income and are living under poverty level for house hold of 3. Also is there any options for filing bankruptcy without using a lawyer. I cant afford one. Please give advice. God Bless””
First time credit card application and got denied please helped?
okay im 40 years old us citizen and i applied for a credit card for the first time ever and they denied me even though ive paid 100 percent of the monthly bills for my mortgages and when i used wells fargo to pay for my car i paid monthly bills for two months and then paid fully for the car and now and they denied me reading from the letter saying i have bad credit and that i have no history of credit so can you please explain me how did i get bad credit when i never used or had a credit card and there saying i have no evidence of ever using credit and shouldn’t i automatically get a credit card due to i never used one and i have evidence of credit due to my mortgage which i never had a late fee and paid fully each bill and only reason i applied for credit card is due to i need to rent a car and hotels are cheaper if using credit card and im getting scared now using my debit card due to it goes directly to my bank
What do I lose in bankruptcy?
I’m just 24 years old and I’ve accumulated over 30,000$ in debt that I can not afford to pay at all…I miss payments on everything and it usually takes me until the end of the month to come up with rent. I don’t many other alternatives other than filing bankruptcy.. I’ve sold most of my things..all I have left is my computer and my car…but I use my car to go to work..but I can’t even afford to pay that anymore..but what is owing on it is more than it’s worth..””
I dont wanna get ripped off on a payday loan or title loan. But my credit is not very good?
I am a single mother, unemployed, starting school full time. Where can I turn for help?””
Can I assume a VA mortgage loan? my father passed-went through probate but have not notified bank. HELP!?
This has been my home for 16 years and through the years we went through some tough times and had to file a BK. My father lived with me and had the house financed in his name. He has since passed away 7 years ago and I went through probate to get the house in my name. We have not notified the mortgage to inform them due the the fact this was a va mortgage and our credit is still very bad, we got hit again with jobs closing when the economy took a dive. we cannot finance on our own. Is there a chance I can assume this loan or will I need to find a way to finance this or just keep paying it as I have been? I have equity I cant touch!””
I need to get a copy of my credit report. Is there a legitimate internet way to download it for FREE.?
If so, please provide me with the website. I need to have the credit report today. Thanks.””
Can i file self employment if claimed me as a dependant on his bankruptcy application ?
I am so confused this is my first year being self employed. I want to file taxes but my dad said I.was a dependant when he filed for bankruptcy. We have 6 people in our home including me, is it.true that it will affect him if I file taxes””
“”When refinancing an auto loan, do lenders use the retail or trade-in value to price your car?””
I’m want to refinance my auto loan as my income and credit have increased a considerable amount. I have about $10,000 left to pay on a 2006 Toyota Corolla. The retail value of my car is a little under 10,000, but the trade-in value is only around 6,000. I was wondering when lenders value your car, do they use the retail or trade-in value? I know I won’t be able to refinance my car if I’m 4,0000 upside down, but I have been making extra payments. Thanks in advance””
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How to refinance a capital one auto loan?
A friend has a Capital One Auto Loan and has tried to get them to refinance it for him. Every time he has asked they have told him that they only refinance one way — but they will not give him the way or even discuss any options for refinancing.


May i obtain an online payday loan using just a debit card?
I need the easy payday loan that not require bank statement info and I have only debit card anybody know where can i apply?
“Can I get a cash advance in my checkings account with USAA?

Is it even possible to get cash advances on your debit card just like your credit card? Will it be considered a loan or something like that? I’m in serious need of money right now but my military paycheck isn’t even close to be enough. It’s not an emergency or anything but I’m gonna be in a bit of a hole if I don’t get that money soon.

Please help? Personal finance?
You purchase a couch at your local warehouse club and decide to pay using your credit card. You plan to pay off this debt within a year. Choose the best credit card choice from the following offers. A)0% interest for 6 months and 2% interest after that B)9% interest C)0% interest for 1 year and 12% interest after that D) 1.2% interest
How to get a Best Buy Credit Card with no credit?
alright a few yrs ago i took out a $1k secured loan from my credit union for 12 months, so i payed it off in 7 months. well in april i went and took out $2400 secured loan for 24 months i believe…thinkin it would help me build credit somehow.. well the lady told me since i paid the first in 7 months, it actually hurt me more than it helped and also i have no credit. so how can i build some damn credit in order to get a best buy credit card or something simliar to take advantage of the 12mths,18mths etc no interest plans???””
Bankruptcy effect financial aid?
I am currently a second year college student and my financial aid is based on my parents information for my FAFSA. They are thinking about declaring bankruptcy and since I am going off their information, will this effect anything dealing with my FAFSA/financial aid? Don’t ask me why they are doing it, it is none of your business.””
Should I get a payday loan for my current dilemma?
My transmission broke down on my RV. Currently that’s where I live and it’s what I use to get to work. The work is done but I’m short paying it off until at least one more paycheck comes in. And they won’t give it back until I pay it in full. Should I get a payday loan?
Can I get arrested and put in prison for not being able to pay a loan back?
I took out a loan from a payday loan website about 7 months ago and have not been able to pay it back yet. I got a call from a woman who claimed to be helping me. She said that they are going to charge me with two felony counts of first degree fraud unless I pay it back in full today. I read an article that states that this is untrue. The loan amount is $500. Can they really arrest me and put me in prison?
Can a debt collector sue you for non-payment?
Here is the situation, my fiance went over on the checking account really bad, because his check wasn’t deposited into the bank until the next day and we didn’t know it. Well, we didn’t receive the returned check, which is kind of good, because there would be a lot of court issues. Recently we started receiving letters in the mail from a collection agency. I’m currently out of work and have no way to pay for them and even if I was working it would take me a while to pay them off, because there is a few of them with fees. Can the collection agency take me to court for non-payment? Am I going to go to jail for this? I’m really scared and I’m too poor to pay for it.””
Can you be arrested for not paying a payday loan?

What if you have 2 or 3 payday loans unpaid?
what happens to you if you have 2 or 3 unpaid payday loans? Can you have a judgement put on you? Do you go to jail? What happens? Will they just write it off ?
Has anyone tried
Just wondering if they are legit or if they will steal my personal info or sell it.

How does a capital one secured mastercard work?
Can someone explain in detail? Thanks
TransUnion listed me as a 767. Is this a good credit scored?
What kind of credit and interest rates should I expect as a result?
What is a minimum standard credit criteria from One Main Financial?
Okay, I’m thinking of applying for a personal loan from One Main Financial. So here is my question if you ever got a loan from them. What is the minimum credit score? or do you even need credit to apply for the loan? What is the minimum you can take out? Do they look into your financial history? Is it a good idea to borrow from them? Any answer will be really appreciated :) Thank you so much!! :)””

“”If I declare bankruptcy, will it affect me when I renew my green card?

What is the best and safest site for receiving a payday loan?
i want to know the best WEBSITE to recieve one, not the best way. im aware that i can get a loan thru my bank, but i dont need 3,000.00 bux. need payday advance or close alternative. NOT amscot.””
“”Have you ever gotten a FREE”””” credit report?””””””
We have all seen the ads for FREE CREDIT REPORT ONLINE””””””
Have can I check my credit rating with out having to pay any thing?
I tried checking my credit report/rating but you have to put in your debit card details and I dont want to pay any thing. Can I ask my bank do it for me and get them to tell me what my credit rating is?
“”Always free ADULT”””” dating sites? Never a charge !?””””””
I am looking for a free never a charge ADULT”””” dating site””
Do they do credit checks when you buy a phone plan online?
I ordered a family plan with 4 lines from Verizon. I paid for it with my credit card. It never said anything about putting down a deposit, just asked for my social and credit card. It took like a few seconds to process my order, but it went through and charged my credit card right away. Then I checked my email and it said the order is being process and going through a final credit check. ??? I don’t get it, will i get my order? they charged me! What will happen if the final credit check don’t get approved and I already paid?””
Need to make fast money at least $4000 in three days. Can’t get a loan. What other options do I have?

Where can i get a free credit report?

How long can I stay in the home after foreclosure in Minnesota?
My landlord has filed for bankruptcy about 2 years ago. The sheriff sale was 6 months ago. After the sheriff sale, the bank gave 6 months to live as the redemption period. Since I rent, can I stay longer than the redemption period?””
Can a person put their monthly car payments on a credit card?
My credit card gives me points for purchases, and I am in the market for a new car. Do you know if it is possible to get each monthly payment put on a credit card? (Note: I would pay it off each month, it’s that the points would be fantastic for such a large purchase.)””
Can a credit card company take my vehicle?
I had a judgement filed against me for about 8k in credit card debt. I found out today that they are garnishing my auto loan. Does this mean that they are repossessing my vehicle?
“Can I get a cash advance in my checkings account with USAA?

Is it even possible to get cash advances on your debit card just like your credit card? Will it be considered a loan or something like that? I’m in serious need of money right now but my military paycheck isn’t even close to be enough. It’s not an emergency or anything but I’m gonna be in a bit of a hole if I don’t get that money soon.

What does Finance Rate (APR) mean on buying a car?
im buying a car about $18,000 and i’m down paying $5,000. i dont understand what 6.5% apr mean? can someone explain? thanksss! =]””
Getting an auto loan to pay off someone else’s auto loan?
My mom got an auto loan for car but the interest rate is extremely high. I want the vehicle. I can get an auto loan with a very small interest rate, Question is — am I able to get the loan to pay off her remaining balance and just have my loan to pay off?””

“”Where to a car with poor credit dallas tx thats not asking for 3,000 down?””
got money for down payment but wanting to do 3,000 dollars looking for suv.””
If i cannot pay a payday loan what can they actually do ?
no money to pay them is the loan enforceable or do they have to go to court etc
Which bank uses experian to check credit for auto loans?
I was wondering if any one in the north carolina area knew of any banks that pull your experian credit report for auto loans. My exp. score is the highest at a 708 and i need to refinance my car. i know i could get a good rate and get approved if they check exp. My credit union uses checks equifax for their loans. and my equifax score is only 607 , i dont know why my equifax score is so low compared to exp. . but they want me to have a 660 to get approved and a good rate. dont know how long it will take to get that high but i need the loan fast. thanks for any help!””
“”When your credit card says valid thru 4/09"”””””
does that mean valid for all of April?””””””
Best credit card?
What is the best credit card for someone that has NO credit history?
“”My closing date may be pushed later than thought, can I back out after the closing date?””
Actually…I just got a call back from my Mortgage Broker and we are able to file an extension for the rate. However, the issue with the closing date and sellers negligence is still a problem. Do I have legal right to walk away and get my deposit back if they do not fill their required obligations that are laid out in the Purchase and Sale?””
Looking for a unsecured loan?
Looking to borrow $5000.00 and to be able to pay back $200.00 a month, looking for a legitimate loan. Anybody know any.””
If I file Chapter 7 bankruptcy what happens?
I owe the school and i have student loans. I know the student loans aren’t included but what about the money I owe to the school?
What will happen if I can’t pay my payday loan ?
I am in Ohio and I thought if I close my checcing account and worc out a re-payment plan, so there will be no banc fees. Here you write a checc for the amount of the loan and then they send it to the banc on the due date, I won’t have it, cut in pay.””
What to do when suffering from bad credit?

“”Macroeconomics help, please!?””
Suppose that the reserve requirement is 10 percent and the balance sheet of the Peoples National Bank looks like the accompanying example. a.) what are the required reserves of the Peoples National Bank? Does the Bank have any excess reserves? ~ the required reserves = $5000 because $50,000( vault cash + deposit @ fed) /.10 (reserve requiremnt) = $5000. ~ Yes there is $45000 in excess reserve. b.) What is the maximum loan that the bank could extend? ~ Is the answer $45000? — because that’s what the excess reserve is? or $165000? — because there are loan assets + the excess reserve? c.) Indicate how the banks balance sheet would be altered if it extended this loan? d.) Suppose that the required reserves were 20 percent. If this were the case, would the bank be in a position to extend any additional loans? Assets__________________Liabilities Vault cash $20,000________checking deposits $200,000 Deposits at Fed 30,000_____Net worth 15,000 Securities 45,000 Loans 120,000 If someone can please help me understand this question, i’d greatly appreciate it! I’m stressing myself out with this and i really need help! thanks!!””
How do i start up my own daycare business?
What are the steps, I live in texas.””

Should I foreclose or file bankruptcy?
Heres my situation. My house is worth $160,00 according to the taxes and owe $155,000 on it. We have a 80/20 loan ($120,000/$30,000) I am 4 payments behind ($8,000). The house is only in my name. Me and my husband have 2 cars both in our names. One we owe $25,000 and the other we owe $12,000. The only other debt we owe is like $3,000 on a personal loan. I cant refi because our credit scores are too low (550). Ive been trying to sell for 6 months with no luck. What should I do? I make $40,000 and he owns a flooring company so he took a loss last year and this year might do the same. Should i foreclose on the house? If I do Im worried the smaller loan will come after me in court to get their money ($30,000). If I file bankruptcy can I only do it on the house so I can keep my cars and dont hurt my husbands credit as bad so we can buy another house in his name one day. Thanks for any and all advise!!!1"”

Is payoneer a virtual debit card or credit card?
Im looking around for websites which provide virtual credit card whose refill/top up method includes debit card attached to my local bank account .Please help
If i file for bankruptcy do all my debts clear or do i have to still pay them?
I owe some money to some people and i am wondering if i file for bankruptcy do i have to pay them back or do all my debts to them go away and they cant touch me or what i dont have a clue what happens can someone explain to me how this works
Is putting your credit card number to get your credit report safe?

“”With the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, can I put my car loan on hold when I’m deployed?””
I know that if you LEASE a car, you ca turn the car in with no penalties. However, when I’m away, I have to put my car in storage or just sell it. But I didn’t know if I could just call my loan company and put my loan on hold for the year I’m deployed, and just push the payments back. Thanks in advance!””
How do I own my own Modeling Agency?
I’m interested in owning my own Modeling Agency in several years, but I don’t know where to start. For example, what should I study in College/University? Should I try and get an internship at an agency? Can you suggest some steps I should or need to take to lead me to my dream job? Thank you for your help. I appreciate it.””
How do you take out a cash advance at a casino?
I’ve seen these ATM’s that say QuikCash on them at the casinos here in California (Indian casinos). I know that you need a check,debit card, some other things, but my question is: Is it cash that’s given to you to your account? Is it just a Ticker Vocher that can be cashed out”””” ? I know cash advances are bad and casinos are bad but looking for some general entertainment tonight with some buds!””””””
Who are reputable companies for cash advance?
I’m looking to do an application on line for a 2 week advance
“Can I get a cash advance in my checkings account with USAA?

Is it even possible to get cash advances on your debit card just like your credit card? Will it be considered a loan or something like that? I’m in serious need of money right now but my military paycheck isn’t even close to be enough. It’s not an emergency or anything but I’m gonna be in a bit of a hole if I don’t get that money soon.

Does checking your credit score on lower your credit score?
I heard from friends that it does and I just wondered. And also what happens if you miss ONE credit card payment??? Please only intelligent answers, this is important.””
If you have an other than honorable discharge can you still receive student loans?
Thanks for the help!
Will a bankruptcy court discharge my credit card debt so I can pay my student loans?
I have six figures in student loan debt and about 40 grand in credit card debt. When I was in my 20s, I decided to move to the big city”””” and take a job that paid 20 grand a year. That’s how I got the credit card debt. I got smart and went to school and am now an attorney. But I can’t afford to pay my student loans AND my credit cards. I know I can’t discharge the student loans””
Can I join the Coast Guard with a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy that is cleared?
So I stepped on my pride and did what I didn’t want to do ..I filed for bankruptcy, Chapter 7, in January 2009. It was cleared and everything was discharged in May 2009. I am now interested in joining the United States Coast Guard Active Duty in 2011 sometime. I am curious if this is going to impact my enlistment. I have read numerous online entries, they all clash though. I saw a video on YouTube by a lawyer that states Active Duty military can file for bankruptcy and it won’t jeopardize their job. If that is so, how is it any different with someone who has a cleared bankruptcy that wants to enlist? I understand this will interfere with security clearances. I am willing to deal with that to serve in the Coast Guard. Any recruiters, any advice? Please no trolls that are here to advertise or scorn me for having a bankruptcy.””
“”I work part time and nned a loan,can anyone suggest anything?””
i need a loan from somewhere but cant get credit for sum reason?!?!?i have tried absolutely everywhere with no luck.places like provident can only give me so much,but not enough…my car packed in and i need to get a new one (used i mean)and need about 1500 pounds,can anyone suggest someone or somewhere i could go without having to pay upfront fees?? thanx””

I filed for Chptr 7 bankruptcy. Then I was audited for it. Is there a time limit to finalize my bankruptcy?
I live in California.
“”I have bad credit, i have no cosigner, already got some $ from fed loans, but it’s not enough.. wat can i do??””
i filled out my fasfa, am recieving scholarships and grants, and federal loans (like the ones i read about in many other answers 2 similar questions) but i still need about 7000 per semester (private schools are expensive) are there any ways that i could, as a senior, be able 2 find a loan for myself with bad credit and no cosigner so i can graduate this year like i plan on?????””
Where can I get a credit report ASAP as a company wants to do a credit check on me?
Hi need a credit report to be done ASAP as a financial company I applied for a job with want to do a credit check on me. I’ve never done one so figure il get one done quick so there is no suprises. Thanks
Do I Get Less From Financial Aid If I Work?
Lets say I live with my parents and we are low — average income family. If i take a job that pays $10 per hour with a 2 week pay check that is around $500 (I still go to school/this is a part time job im trying to get), will FAFSA pay the same amount as if i wasnt working? One of my parent’s friend said that their child got around $10K from FAFSA when since she wasnt working, if this even possible? By the way I have a brother who is graduating this year so would 2 student going to college affect the FAFSA funds?””
Why is there an inquiry on my credit report from at&t and t-mobile? Is someone trying to get a phone under my?
I am trying to settle my debts from my credit report and I discovered that there has been two recent inquiries from at&t and t-mobile which I know I did not inquire or apply for because I am happy with my phone service. Is someone trying to open up a phone line under my name? If so, what can I do about this situation? I don’t understand how they can try to run someone’s credit without proper ID and how can these phone booth sales or telephone companys allow their employees to do this.””
5 Players Name Who Loan From Liverpool To Manchester United After Munich Disaster?


Where can i find a free credit report/score check site without having to use a credit card number to verify?

Checking account after bankrupcy…?
Is it risky to maintain a checking account with a Bank that was one of the debtors in my already discharged bankruptcy? I have a small balance in that checking account and the debit card still active. Any recomendations?
What is the cheapest car insurance for a young driver?
Ok I am 18 going on 19 this summer. I got my license last January(I was 17, 2009) I drive a 2008 Yellow Chevy Aveo LS. No alarm. I have a clean driving record. I kept a 3.0 average when I was in school. I drive about 20–30 miles a day. The car is in my name. I got the loan in August 2009 and I have never been late on a payment. My payment is $208 and I pay $210 (banker said it helps) and I usually pay it early but never late! I have no debt otherwise. I have GAP coverage through my bank too. I live in Utah. I rent an apartment. I will be the only driver. I am looking for cheap insurance since I am young. My mother and I cannot get along and likes to hang this over my head and use it to control me so I want off! No ties. Please if you know of a good cheap insurance company (It has to be full coverage for my loan) let me know. Or if you are an insurance agent and can help I would appreciate it! Thanks!””
Buying a new or used car with a 724 credit score?
Well I am looking to buy a new or used car (Lexus). And well I have a credit score of 724, but with the credit freeze I am not sure if I can qualify for a reasonable interest rate. Would I need a co-signer or could they in house finance me with a good rate. I need help ASAP because I have someone that is ready to buy the current car that I have.””
“”What does it mean to call in bank’s loan””””?””””””
my history textbook says that Nicholas Biddle, who was the owner of the Bank of the United States in 1832, was panicing that President Andrew jackson was going to close his Bank, so he called in his bank’s loans””
Who is the lead singer in that commercial about
I’m sorry. It’s
What is the best tree wood for parrot perches?
Which types of trees or wood is safe and less destructable for med. lg. parrot roosting? That is besides the popular Java, it’s so expensive.””
Can you get a payday loan in georgia?
What’s the difference between Mortgage Insurance/Hazard Insurance & Homeowner’s Insurance?
In my housing loan application it gives the breakdown of the principal mortgage payment, taxes, hazard insurance and mortgage insurance. What is the mortgage insurance? It’s an additional $70 per month.””
How many loans are interest only loans?
What percentage of the total loans being placed are interest only loans? What percentage of total loans are ARMs? What PErcentage of total loans are fixed rate? Where is a good resource to find this information?
Can i get a mortgage with bad credit and ccj history?
i have bad credit and have had a ccj within the last 12months will i ever be accepted for a mortgage?
File bankruptcy how many years will it take to get a bank loan in ny?

“Can I get a cash advance in my checkings account with USAA?

Is it even possible to get cash advances on your debit card just like your credit card? Will it be considered a loan or something like that? I’m in serious need of money right now but my military paycheck isn’t even close to be enough. It’s not an emergency or anything but I’m gonna be in a bit of a hole if I don’t get that money soon.

