We Are Building a Bridge Called Upscout

2 min readNov 7, 2021


Who We Are

We are building a talent-matching platform that will bridge the gap between African talent and global opportunities. “We” is Funke Onafuye and Tariah Iwoba, the co-founders, and everyone who works and will work with Upscout.

Upscout will be a marketplace for non-tech talent; think Marketing, Design, Sales, Customer Experience/Success, Human Resources, Legal etc. All the opportunities that still exist and are in high demand even though nobody really talks about anymore.

Our Vision & Mission

We want to help retain talent, contribute to closing the knowledge and skills gap and make Africa the hub for talent export starting with Nigeria. Through Upscout, we will also create better recruitment experiences for all parties involved in the process by allowing for fairness, better negotiation terms and access to opportunities/talent that would otherwise be missed.

Our Value Proposition

  • Build and be a marketplace for prequalified talent, giving a fair shot to everyone. On Upscout, you will not have to spend hours optimizing for search and/or visibility.
  • Create seamless recruitment processes for both job seekers and employers/recruiters. All parties will state their terms upfront and get matched. You know, like Bumble but for the best hands.
  • Be an all-in-one platform for all things talent management and people operations, especially for startups.

No, Upscout is not yet another job board

If you are wondering what differentiates us from the regular job boards, here’s the answer: it’s now a talent’s market. If you are reading this, you are either high quality, high in demand talent or looking for at least one. As opposed to applying or sorting through a plethora of applications, you get to pick and be picked. Even better is that you will state your preferred work and earning terms upfront and cut back on haggle time.

How it Works

For Talent

  • Sign up
  • Create your profile
  • Wait to get matched

For Employers/Recruiters

  • Sign up
  • Search for talent
  • Match and schedule meetings/interviews
  • Hire and onboard

You are interested so join our waitlist.

Unfortunately, not everyone will get listed on Upscout — both talent and employers- as we are here to serve a niche market. We will share more updates as we go.




A talent-matching platform revinventing how you hire and get hired.