Why Immersive Learning is the next Big Thing in Corporate training. (infographics)

4 min readNov 3, 2016


Can you recall 3 takeaways of the last corporate training you attended ?

(If yes, was your training a few hours ago?)

If not, don’t panic, you are just experiencing the “Forgetting Curve”. This phenomenon was hypothesized by Hermann Ebbinghaus, a German psychologist in the 1880s.

He showed that within one hour, people will have forgotten an average of 50 percent of the information presented. Within 24 hours, they have forgotten an average of 70 percent of new information, and within a month, 90 percent of it.

Sounds bad right?

What happens to your brain a few days after a training

It gets worse. What Ebbinghaus didn’t take into account was the amount of information we have to process nowadays compared to information in the 1880s. He didn’t know either that during a classroom training or even while doing a MOOC, the average learner will be disturbed by a Facebook notification, will quickly check his/her mailbox and within 7 to 10 minutes will lose attention (we’re optimistic, some studies even say a few seconds).

Forgetting is not a failure from the brain. It’s an adaptative behavior which consists in clearing what is no longer useful for things that are more relevant.

So, does it mean that no matter how much you invest in training, all the learning content will just vanish in your learners’ brain? Spoiler: no. However it means that Learning & Development professionals must make a better use of the most efficient pedagogical levers to optimize knowledge retention of their learners.

What are these levers?

What do the most impactful learning programs have in common?

We have listed 4 features they always have (excluding cultural and organizational elements existing in the company)

  • Their content inevitably grab learners’ attention
  • They enable experimentation and “Learning by Doing”
  • They exploit the most natural way of learning of many living species: Playing
  • They remain easily available to learners when they need to be repeated

Is there a perfect pedagogical methodology gathering all of these features? Maybe not. But one of them deserves a bit of attention as it becomes more and more affordable for companies to use it.

EdTech ecosystem is booming and you may have heard of Serious Games, MOOCs, COOCs, Mobile Learning, Rapid Learning, Virtual Classes and so on, but have you heard of Immersive Learning?

Immersive Learning = Simulated and controlled learning situations x Virtual Reality

Imagine everything you can do:

Get “in the shoes of” a client to better live the customer experience you have put in place,

…or take thousands of employees at the same time to visit a new factory,

…or even train your teams to react to a crisis situation.

Immersive Learning lets you be part of any story or situation

Virtual Reality takes people to the most realistic learning situations without the constraints of reality: logistics, risks, real-time and little right to fail.

Here is a comparison of the existing learning methodologies per key feature mentioned ealier :

Learning Methods comparison grid — Immersive Learning

Immersive Learning uses a technology that optimizes how the brain learns. It will not replace existing methodologies but it will enrich learners experience and increase efficiency of trainings.

Want to know more about how to start implementing Immersive Learning? Here is an infographic for you:

We are Uptale and we help organizations design gamified real-life 360° learning experiences in VR.
We’d be happy to hear about your ideas and feelings on how immersive learning and VR can change your way of learning and teaching

Reach out for any question or request a demo at: www.uptale.io




The Immersive Learning Global Platform to create, share, track interactive pedagogical experiences in 360°/ Virtual Reality. Free account on https://uptale.io