Introducing Uptrennd Citizenship

6 min readMay 6, 2020


Uptrennd is currently the most engaged blockchain-based social media platform in the world. The potential for this Uptrennd to expand into Billions of members and become a leading social platform is a very real possibility.

For this to happen though, we need to continue to listen to the input and concerns of the community.

Right now, our biggest issue is low-quality commenting by new users. Because of this, we have implemented ‘Uptrennd University’ to help educate as many people as possible in how to earn points more effectively and in a way that will benefit the community. Even so, not everyone will choose to go into Uptrennd University. Therefore, we will be implementing a system that ensures that the people who spend time and effort writing quality posts are rewarded, and those that simply spam thoughtless content are not.

The road to citizenship

Citizens are people who care for a country, and devote themselves to making that country a better place. On Uptrennd, we have our Guardians, a team of less than twenty who have devoted themselves to maintaining the quality of the platform. However, the growth of the platform is far outpacing the growth of the Guardian team. In addition, having a large guardian team isn’t where we want to end up. We want Uptrennd to be a community that is governed by the community. We want Uptrennd to be a country that is governed by all citizens, people like you.

We want to give everyone on Uptrennd the ability to effectively curate content for the betterment of the platform. If you are passionate about our vision and are ready to help continue to evolve Uptrennd in a direction that will continue to put people and longevity first, citizenship is for you.

The Ecosystem we want to create

Members who have been on Uptrennd for longer know our culture, they know the guidelines, they generally post quality content, and they know how to help guide new members in the right direction.

In comparison to new members, higher-level members have a much better understanding of what it takes to make the Uptrennd ecosystem thrive.

So does it make sense that a member at level 20 and level 1 have the same impact on voting? When three new members upvote comments like “nice post” just to be friendly, one single downvote from a level 20 member does not make much of an impact at all. We feel that content curation is a crucial aspect of Uptrennd. Currently, with so many new members onboarding every day, the ability for Guardians to “moderate” each post has now become near impossible, as the ratio of new members to experienced members is becoming unbalanced. We are growing “too quickly”. It’s a good problem to have.

Through community feedback, we have decided that for Uptrennd’s ecosytem to thrive, we need to put more weight behind the voice and votes of higher-level users.

The Implementation

Currently, the higher your level is
1) The more you can earn.

In this new Reputation System we’re calling “The Road to Citizenship”, the higher your level is
1) The more you can earn
2) The more you can give
3) The more you influence the algorithm

  1. Earning potential will stay the same for this implementation. If you are earning a 2X multiplier, you will still keep your 2X multiplier.
  2. The more you can give:
    Currently, all members give an Upvote strength of ‘1'.
    This is a chart that displays how much each level can give.
    For clarity, ‘0.5’ would be half the power of ‘1’

Level 1 = 0.05
Level 2 = 0.10
Level 3 = 0.15
Level 4 = 0.20
Level 5 = 0.25
Level 6 = 0.30
Level 7 = 0.35
Level 8 = 0.40
Level 9 = 0.45
Level 10 = 0.50
Level 11 = 0.55
Level 12 = 0.60
Level 13 = 0.65
Level 14 = 0.70
Level 15 = 0.75
Level 16 = 0.80
Level 17 = 0.85
Level 18 = 0.90
Level 19 = 0.95
Level 20 = 1.00

At Level 20 all members are awarded the rank Citizen and from there on
forward their ‘Giving Power’ Stays at 1.

How to calculate:

Giving Power X Earning Power = Upvote Score

1)A level 1 member (0.05 strength) upvotes a level 1 member (1X earning multiplier). In this case the upvote would be worth 0.05
2) A Level 20 member (1 strength) upvotes a level 21 member (3X multiplier). The upvote strength would be worth 3.
3) A level 16 member (0.8 strength) upvotes a level 21 member (3X multiplier). The upvote strength is 2.4

This Giving Power will also affect post ranking in the main feed or “The Algorithm” the exact same way it affects the earning potential. When members at level 1 upvotes you, it will increase your “Post Rating” by 0.05, instead of by 1, as it’s been until now. An upvote from a Level 20+ member will increase your score by 1.

Image of “Post Rating”

Reputation works exactly for downvotes as it does for upvotes. This means 20 upvotes from Level 1 users will be just as impactful as one downvote from a Level 20 user. This allows us to combat spam effectively through community moderation.

Equality of Opportunity

Equality of opportunity is a foundational pillar. Since the ability to earn is not affected, only the ability to give. The earning potential for each member is affected equally. So Equality of Opportunity stays as a foundational pillar.

We also wanted to make sure that oligarchies did not become an issue.
On Steemit and Hive, the giving power ranges a drastic amount. Each level you gain, your power goes up 10X. That means only 2 levels difference is a factor of 100, and only six levels difference is a power differential of One Million! With many people on Hive and Steemit at level 68, or higher. That’s a monumentally large difference in power. We don’t want to have that issue. Our power differential is from 0.05 to 1, a difference of 20. That’s it, that’s all.


Q: Can a person simply buy their way to level 20 right now?
A: Yes. In the future, we will have ‘engagement requirements’ for users to reach full citizenship, however for phase one, people will be able to buy their way there. We don’t feel this is too massive of a short-term issue, as someone who is buying their way to level 20 is likely going to have a vested interest in the Uptrennd. If there intention is to “gamify” Uptrennd, their negative impact will be minimal, as they are simply on-par with all other users at level 20.

Q: Why are we doing this?
A: This allows the Uptrennd community to take one step closer to self-governance. Guardians and Mods cannot handle this by themselves, Uptrennd is growing too quickly! Now it’s time for dedicated members of the Uptrennd community to start taking the direction of the platform into their own hands :) Social media built for the people, by the people.

Q: Will it still take the same amount of points to level-up?
A: Yes. Leveling up and earning points may take longer if you are receiving upvotes from low-level memberes.

Q: Does this not make it unfair? Does this change “Equality of Opportunity”?
A: Not at all. Everyone still has the exact same opportunity to earn. Votes from lower-level members are worth less for everyone, which is 100% equal. Once members become citizens, every citizen is also 100% equal.

Q: Do I have to become a citizen?
A: Nope! If you are content at level 1 with a lower earning and giving potential, that is totally fine :) Freedom of choice!

Q: How will this help me earn? It seems like I’ll earn less now?
A: You may actually earn more! First off, this does not affect your “earning power” at all. If you are at level 21 and earn 3X multiplier, you still do! All this affects is the “giving power”. Imagine this: The less we give tokens to comment spammers, the less sell pressure goes onto the exchanges. The less sell pressure there is, the better it is for the token price, meaning you earn more $ per upvote. This system stops spammers, and potentially helps you to earn more!

Q: When will this happen?
A: We will likely launch citizenship and the new “giving power” system one month after the Uptrennd halvening.

