An Update for our Token Sale Investors

2 min readFeb 10, 2019


Dear Investors,

At the very onset, let me thank you on behalf of the entire Lynked.World team for your trust and confidence in our project and our vision. As you must have noticed, during the course of 2018, cryptocurrency markets have been witnessing a downtrend and blockchain products and blockchain based start-up’s have been affected because of that. Most ICO’s during the second half of 2018 were not even able to raise the soft-cap for their projects. Without inflow of new institutional funds and interest from venture capitalists, many projects also have had to shut down their operations last year.

At Lynked.World we believe that these market conditions are only temporary and the overall long-term prospects for blockchain based products is still exciting considering that many big companies across industry verticals have publicly acknowledged the benefits which blockchain based technologies provide. However, at the same time, to be able to continue with our project and evolve as a going concern we have taken steps internally to be able to cut down our costs and make best use of the invested funds to ensure that we can deliver over and beyond our promises.

All that being said, below, we highlight some key points related to our ICO.

Successful Token Sale: We could successfully raise 6.4 Million USD in our token sale which was above the soft-cap we were aiming for. The funds raised consist of a mix of investments from retail investors, institutional investors and token swaps with other prominent ongoing ICO’s.

Credit of Tokens: All your tokens will be credited to your registered Ethereum address on or before 28.02.2019. Once the tokens have been credited you will be notified via a separate email.

Exchange Listing: We are in discussions with multiple exchanges with regards to listing of LYNK tokens. As per our estimates, LYNK token should be listed on one or more exchanges by March end. We will be announcing any further progress on our token listing on our social media channels.

Extension of Token Sale: Our Token Sale end date was initially set to be 10th February 2019. However, considering the current market dynamics and market sentiment, we believe that, in the best interest of the project, the token sale end date needs to be extended. Thus, our token sale will be extended for now. The end date will be announced in due course of time.

Once again, thanks for your continued support and enthusiasm about our project.

Have a great day!

Arun Kumar

CEO, Lynked.World




Platform built upon Blockchain Technology to verify digital identity, education & professional experience. It enables users to control their digital information