Blockchain and Social Responsibility — A Lynked.World Perspective

3 min readNov 21, 2018


Blockchain technology, owing to the core concepts of immutability, removing intermediaries, and ensuring trust in digital entities, has the potential to combat many problems deep rooted in today’s society and can prove to be instrumental in promoting economic inclusion for communities missing out on opportunities around the world.

We at Lynked.World, are enthusiastic about this aspect of blockchain technology and are honored to include, within our product portfolio, many features which will allow us to give back to the society at large and make a difference. Freedom from intermediaries, providing a globally recognized digital identity to ensure economic inclusion of all communities, reducing bureaucracy, increasing security and ensuring efficiency and transparency are some of the key philosophies around which our products have been conceptualized. Our vision is to build a platform which not only benefits organizations and corporations in specific but also individuals across different segments in society.

To this effect, Lynked.World has been playing a pivotal role in India by approaching government organizations, NGO’s and corporations explaining the benefits blockchain based technologies can bring to masses in general. We are currently working with CRY (Child Relief and You), Municipal corporations of Bankura and Durgapur and the Government of Manipur to bring benefits to citizens with our application portfolio. We see the potential of disrupting and bringing benefits to farmers, healthcare, education and multiple other areas that have a deep impact on the daily lives of individuals from all sections of the society.

Blockchain based digital identity

Ensuring economic inclusion of individuals irrespective of social status

Lynked.World Digital Identity aims to target the economic inclusion of individuals from different strata of the society in the financial and service system. We foresee a future where digital identity and digital transactions become the enabler for being included in services such as banking, availing government services etc. Our partnerships with two municipalities in India (namely Bankura Municipal Corporation and Durgapur Municipal Corporation) aims to use our digital identity and digital wallet to register requests and issue birth certificates digitally via our platform. This in itself is a big step forward in serving more than 5 million citizens of these two municipalities combined, empowering them to avail government services from the comfort of their homes.

E-Rakam (E-Agri Passbook)

Helping small farmers connect seamlessly to buyers

Our Initiative with MSTC (India’s largest government body responsible in auctions) aims at reinventing the E-Rakam portal. E-Rakam is a first-of-it-kind initiative that leverages technology to connect farmers from the smallest villages to the biggest market of the world through internet. It brings together farmers, FPOs, PSU, Civil supplies and buyers on a single platform to ease selling and buying processes of agriculture products. With our solution, we intend to make things fair for the sellers of agricultural products by removing subsidiaries or intermediaries in the end-to-end process.


SaaS application to modernize the education system

With our easily customizable applications and product features, we intend to make it easy for educational institutions to issue certificates, maintain education records and attendance registers etc. in a digital format while at the same time ensuring the trust and authenticity of such records using our blockchain based SaaS applications for the Education Sector. Our data analytics suite also make the tracking and reporting of all data a breeze.


Transforming healthcare with digital records

Our applications focused on healthcare will allow medical records and certificates to be stored digitally in a single repository providing healthcare professionals with a chronology and medical history for patients. Combined with our state of the art data analytics capabilities, healthcare professionals can get assistance for speedy and correct diagnosis. Additionally, our applications can also be used by doctors and clinics to manage their day-to-day activities including registration of patients and scheduling appointments digitally.

The benefits do not end here. A closer look at the wider picture reveals that once the issues around trust and authenticity of digitally available data and documents are solved using blockchain technologies, the world indeed can get a lot greener with an immense reduction in paper based transactions, paper based documents and paper based certificates.

This might be just the beginning of a new revolution — one which positively affects millions of lives in the years to come — and we at Lynked.World, we are committed in making a difference with our contributions to the next era of the digital age.

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Platform built upon Blockchain Technology to verify digital identity, education & professional experience. It enables users to control their digital information