Lynked.World Deploys Blockchain Based Digital Identity System

3 min readJul 5, 2018


The Internet has revolutionized the way information is shared by us. However, in recent times data security has been a significant concern. Two data related scandals that have rocked our belief in centralized networks include the infamous EQUIFAX HACK and the recent FACEBOOK DATA SHARING row. The outrage in social media over these data breaches is for all to see. Amidst these testing times Lynked.World comes as a breath of fresh air. Lynked.World, a pioneer in data security, has deployed Blockchain Based Digital Identity System for its users. The Lynked.World Digital Identity System is a Trusted & Verified Professional Network for sharing your digital identities.

The Lynked.World Services

Lynked.World App is a one-stop verified solution for all your digital needs.

  1. Users can create a secure and trusted blockchain profile and share. Users can securely share their digital identity, education and professional experience on the Lynked.World network for other trusted Lynked.World members to see.
  2. Users can securely store their important documents like Social Security Number, Driving License, Passport, etc. in the Lynked.World Blockchain Wallet.
  3. Users are in control of their Digital Identity as well as Digital Signature. The user can share these data on the go and hassle-free.

Hence we see that the Lynked.World solves some fundamental trust and sharing issues that plague the current digital sharing networks. Some key features include:

  • Unlike other platforms, all profiles on the Lynked.World are verified.
  • Users device becomes part of the blockchain network and acts as one of the nodes that make up the blockchain network.
  • Unique Private key ensures that no data is accessible unless the user agrees to.

How the Lynked.World App Works

Lynked.World app is simple and easy to use. Here’s a step by step guide for the same.

  • Download the Lynked.World app from the play store (for Android users) or the AppStore (for iOS users).
  • Once you have downloaded and opened the app. Fill in the required details.
  • Post mobile number verification and creating your six digit code, you can create your profile by filling your experience, education, projects and social network details.
  • Upon creating your professional profile and connecting to other professionals, tap on the wallet icon at the bottom.
  • Use your six digit code to open the wallet. Here you can upload and verify following details:
  • Contacts.
  • Identity.
  • Education.
  • Experience.
  • Projects.
  • Other Documents.

Once your profile is complete you can use it to avail services offered by vendors using Lynked.World services. Vendor shall configure a QR code through which they can request users identity and other relevant data. User can follow below listed steps to identity self and share the requested data:

  • Tap on It’s Me(Scan QR Code).
  • Scan the QR code of the vendor (you can scan the QR code of the vendor on the desktop website or mobile device).
  • User gets the vendor’s identity information on his mobile screen. User can see what information is requested by the vendor through that QR code.
  • User has full control on which information to share and selectively authorize data access.

Furthermore, you can also get your data verified by others and vice versa. You can also request data access as well as verify other data. To sum up, caters to all your personal and professional data sharing and security needs in a QR driven model underpinned by Blockchain technology. The highlight is that you are not dependent on any central repository for storing your data. Your own device secured by the six digits secret code acts as one of the data nodes on the network of Blockchain powered nodes.




Platform built upon Blockchain Technology to verify digital identity, education & professional experience. It enables users to control their digital information