Lynked.World News Letter Issue #2

4 min readOct 29, 2018


Welcome to the second edition of Lynked.World Insights, a monthly newsletter written to keep our community updated with the progress of our project.

If you missed the inaugural issue, you can catch up by clicking here.

We recently announced that we have signed a $5 Million strategic investment deal with Pecunio VC Fund. Pecunio is one of the leading Dubai-based venture capital funds that holds an ever-growing portfolio of blockchain companies. This investment deal only reinforces our belief on our product portfolio and our vision. It is a big boost to our morale as it comes at a time when other projects are struggling to attract institutional investors due to the falling cryptocurrency market in general. Read more about it here.

The Lynked.World team has been busy attending events across different geographies to raise awareness about our Product offering and also to attract investments. The month of October has been extremely busy for the team preparing and attending events in Dubai, Guanzhou, Barcelona and Las Vegas. These events ranged from blockchain conferences to focused investor meetups. We were at an investment summit organized by Agora Group in Dubai, Blockchain Solutions World in Barcelona and Coin Agenda Las Vegas. The overall response to our product and our vision has been extremely positive and we look forward to attending other key events in the near future. Below are glimpses of moments we captured in these events.

Lynked.World ICO has received top notch ratings across different ICO rating websites. We are proud to have been received so well by these premium rating websites. Positive reviews and ratings from experts not only boosts our own morale but also provides retail investors with the confidence in investing in our growth. You can read more about our ratings here.

We are also extremely excited to be tagged as one of the most promising ICO’s of 2018. Read about it here.

Our Public Sale starts from the 15th of November. If you have not done so, please register on our Token Sale page to participate early and make sure that you do not miss out on the discounts.

Our ever vigilant community members have also notified us about many scams ongoing in the form of emails, telegram messages and such, claiming to be from Lynked.World. We remind all our community members and investors that the ONLY official means of participating in our ICO is via our token sale page. Please stay away from any entities trying to trick you into transferring funds to their own wallets.In case of the slightest doubts, we are always at reach via any of our official communication channels. Stay Safe and Stay Away from SCAMS!

We were covered in the following media publications during the month of october so far. (Click on the images to read details)

If you have not yet done so, download our app for your iOS or Android devices and be a part of the Lynked.World Platform. We would love to have you onboard !.

That’s all from the editor’s desk at Lynked.World for this month . November should be extremely busy with the entire team having to work on product implementations, token sale, attending events and marketing. We also count on our strong community members to be engaged and spread the word about our product portfolio and our vision to a wider audience. We will be back with more news and updates in our next edition. Thanks for your love and support and see you all again next month !.


Arun Kumar (CEO at Lynked.World)

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Platform built upon Blockchain Technology to verify digital identity, education & professional experience. It enables users to control their digital information