The Institute of Cost Accountant of India Partners with Lynked.World

2 min readOct 9, 2018


The Institute of Cost Accountant of India (Statutory body under an Act of Parliament)and Lynked.World join hands. ICWAI is a premier statutory professional accountancy body in India with the objects of promoting, regulating, and developing the profession of Cost Accountancy. It is the only Licensing cum regulating body of the Cost and Management Accountancy profession in India ICWAI. It will use Lynked.World platform for:

  1. Issuance and verification of student and member records.
  2. Digital Identity: ICMAI will issue immutable digital Student and Member Identity Cards which can easily be shared digitally or through QR Code scan. This card can be issued for various purposes, e.g. to mark attendance in the classroom and in the examination hall, to issue books from library, etc.
  3. Trusted Professional Network: Lynked.World platform has an integrated verified professional network platform. It will help connect professionals and organizations through blockchain backed authenticity. It will help students and members of the ICWAI to connect with each other and outer world with a trust.

We are gearing up to launch public ICO on November 15, 2018, and will offer a 35% discount until December 7. The sale will run through February 10, 2019, with decreasing discounts available until the end of January. Private sale is on with attractive bonus up to 100%. The platform is enjoying widespread adoption in India, and these latest partnerships indicate that there will be thousands of new users signing on. The app is available today and can be downloaded by anyone using the App Store or Google Play.

You can find out more about more about Lynked.World by visiting




Platform built upon Blockchain Technology to verify digital identity, education & professional experience. It enables users to control their digital information