The Dark Side of Technology

Technology was first made to make people’s lives easier. For example, farms used to require several individuals to manage it all day. Then, devices such as tractors and ploughs were invented and only a fraction of the effort is now needed in order to run the farm. As a result of this automation, people should, in theory, be able to work fewer hours and receive the same or more pay.

Technology is something that can yield tremendous benefits for those who use it. It can make communication and research easier, open up new and innovative job opportunities, and add unmatched levels of convenience to people’s lives. However, it should not be seen as something without its drawbacks. Not only has it contributed to the current wealth disparity we see today through eliminating jobs, but it has harmed its users on a mental and physical level. To avoid this unfortunate reality, youth need to be especially cautious with their future career choices. Technology must be used in moderation along with everything else in order to avoid the isolating and addictive traits it possesses intrinsically.

