Investing with Urbit Data is Investing Safer and Faster

Urbit Data
3 min readJul 5, 2018


There are moments when people want to buy or sell a property in order to get something better, but just thinking in all the process this will take is really disappointing.

Besides the whole process people know about real estate, it is presented another fact, the security when they start the purchase of a property; they just panic thinking in the chance of making mistakes during the process of a negotiation. This does not affect just our security but our money; people will finish spending more money just because they want everything faster and safer.

Here is the moment when Urbit Data appears! Why? Because it is a platform that works with the blockchain technology in order to protect your transactions of fraud.

Urbit Data blockchain proposal is based on real properties. This project is engaged with people, to make the process of acquiring a property safer, faster and transparent. With the blockchain technology each property will be represented by a unique identifier with an address where a series of documents will be associated, as well as data and smart contracts that represent the transactions on the property in which you are interested. Besides, the blocks of the network will be formed by the transactions made from the moment the property enters the network and is validated until it ceases to exist.

Therefore, you will feel more secure by the time of making any transaction using Urbit Data. This organization is designed to help people in order to make a safer investment thanks to the blockchain which presents immutability of data, the security offered by the transparent, decentralized and corruption-resistant environment that will speed up real estate transactions protecting sellers and buyers.

Another way to feel secure about your purchasing through Urbit Data is the fact that the identity of the entities remains anonymous until the transaction is made. Only if the purchasing is done, both parties must be identified just because the nature of the real estate market legally requires certain information.

To have a faster negotiation, it will be more efficient if properties can be separated geographically even if they maintain the same structure and functioning. This will make the verification of transactions and their propagation through the network faster. This does not have to do with the jurisdiction or where the server of that node is, for instance, a server in Spain may be containing the information for Portugal or another location.

Therefore, there are important reasons that will convert Urbit Data in the best choice of investors. It is a platform that goes beyond the traditional standards of a real estate. It is meant to change the vision that buying and selling a property is exhausting and scary. With the blockchain technology you will not depend on intermediaries, slowness processes and wasting of money.

If you want to know more about this project you can enter to the Urbit Data website: and you will find more information.

Stay tuned, you’ll hear more about Urbit Data sooner than later. Social media and can be found below.

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Urbit Data

Platform for assessment of real estate, rents, sales, holiday rentals by using blockchain technology.