Urbit Data is the future of Real Estate market

Urbit Data
3 min readJul 10, 2018


Urbit Data is a project supported by different experts who have the idea of solving the problems that traditional real estate has itself. The issue is that traditional real estate is unreliable at some point and is characterized for being slow in the process of the negotiation. Most of the time requires much paperwork, therefore people opt to pay more than they need just to try to speed up the process.

For these and other reasons, Urbit Data offers the solution to avoid fraud during the purchase of a property. This is accomplished thanks to the blockchain technology that, according to many authors, is the solution for real estate.

The blockchain is a database validated by a community instead of a central authority. The responsibility does not relay on a single person or entity, like a bank or government; because a lot of people are in charge instead. Obviously, a paper database could never be managed by thousands of peers; this is where computers and internet come in.

Urbit Data trusts this technology blindly because it guarantees that not just one person has the total control over any data which is very important because thanks to blockchain it is possible to verify everything that has happened in the chain prior, nobody can go back and change the information that was already given. It means that all the information is protected.

Urbit Data warranties that you won’t need a third part to make a transaction because with blockchain it is possible to make a transaction in a safer way without intermediaries or opportunists.

Ian Kan,Forbes contributor and Featured Technology Futurist on CNN, refersto blockchain as a mechanism to bring everyone to the highest degree of accountability. He believes that it is going to avoid missed transactions, human or machine errors, or even an exchange that was not done with the consent of the parties involved. He also believes that blockchain helps to guarantee the validity of a transaction by recording it, not only on a main register but a connected distributed system of registers, all of which are connected through a secure validation mechanism.

Urbit Data proposes a whole different experience when making transactions in the real estate; this is thanks to the blockchain which offers a universal open source protocol for the purchase of property that can reduce costs, eradicate fraud, accelerate transactions and internationalize all markets. Additionally, it reduces costs and time for all market participants because it eliminates the middleman in many situations and reduces transaction fees.

The main improvements for the real estate market thanks to the introduction of blockchain can be summarized to: the increase in speed and reliability in the search mechanisms for real estate assets, the easiness of use for property sale and rentals throughout the whole process and a much more efficient payment system.

Having said all this, with Urbit Data it is possible to imagine a great revolution in the future of real estate, as it will provide more facilities than any other platform.

Stay tuned, you’ll hear more about Urbit Data sooner than later. Social media and can be found below.

Telegram Group: https://t.me/urbit

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/urbitdata

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/urbitdata

Twitter: https://twitter.com/urbitdata

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/UrbitData/

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3353363.0


GitHub: https://github.com/urbitdata

Blog: https://urbitdata.io/blog/



Urbit Data

Platform for assessment of real estate, rents, sales, holiday rentals by using blockchain technology.