Writing Clean Code

Rick A. Daniel
3 min readJul 14, 2023


In the world of software development, writing clean and maintainable code is very important. Clean code enhances readability and reduces the complexity. It can also lead to fewer bugs, makes the code easier to maintain, and leads to a more efficient workflow.

1. Naming

One of the most important aspects to writing clean code is using meaningful and understandable names for your variables, functions, and classes. When picking names go for names that accurately convey the purpose and functionality of the thing they represent. Try to avoid pointless abbreviations and acronyms that can confuse you or other developers.

Coded in Lua (Used in the Love2D framework)

2. Keep Functions and Methods Small

Functions and methods should be small and focused. The S.R.P (Single Responsibility Principle) suggests that a function or method should have only one responsibility. This improves code readability and makes it easier to understand and test. It can even promote code re-usability.

Coded in Lua (Used in the Love2D framework)

3. Use Descriptive Comments

While writing clean code is pretty much self-explanatory, there are situations where comments can provide additional clarity. Don’t over do it though, use comments sparingly and focus on explaining why something is being done rather than what is done. Keep comments up to date with the code and remove any that aren't needed anymore.

Coded in Lua (Used in the Love2D framework)

4. Consistent Formatting

Consistency in code formatting is crucial for readability. Choose a consistent indentation style, use proper spacing around operators, and follow a consistent naming convention. There are automatic formatting tools that can help with this.

5. Avoid Code Duplication

Duplication leads to maintenance headaches and increases the likelihood of bugs. Place reusable code into functions or classes and use them accordingly. This not only reduces redundancy but also improves the maintainability.

6. Refactor Regularly

Refactoring is an ongoing process of improving your code without messing with its behavior. It can help eliminate technical debt, reduce complexity, and even enhances readability. Regularly review your code for opportunities to simplify, optimize, and improve its structure.

7. Learn from Others

If the things in this article aren’t enough to help you. Reading clean code written by experienced developers is an excellent way to learn and improve your own coding practices. Explore open-source projects or reputable coding resources to gain insights into clean coding techniques and patterns.


Writing clean code is a skill that can significantly impact the quality and maintainability of your software. By adopting the practices mentioned, you can produce code that is easier to read, understand, and maintain. Remember, writing clean code is not a one-time task but a continuous effort that is very rewarding in the long run. Strive for cleanliness in your code and embrace the principles that promote simplicity, clarity, and collaboration.

— R.A.D.

