What is a Female Tiger Called? (Answered & Explained)

Urdu FOX
5 min readAug 15, 2022


What is a Female Tiger Called? This is a question that a lot of people have, but the solution to it is not simply to find. The fact of the matter is that there is not just one solution to this problem.

Depending on where in the world you are, and which language you are speaking, the name for a female tiger can be different. In this blog post, we will explore the different names of female tigers around the world. We will also discuss some of the cultural meanings behind these names.

What is a Female Tiger Called?

The female of the tiger species is known as a tigress. A tigress is generally larger and heavier than a male tiger, and she has a more prominent mane. Tigresses are also more aggressive than males, and they play a vital role in hunting and raising cubs. So, I think you will know the answer to the question What is a Female Tiger Called?

Tigresses usually only survive between 10 and 15 years in the wild, but in captivity, they have been known to live as long as 20 years. Female tigers are a significant component of the ecosystem, and their contributions to the continuation of their species are absolutely necessary.

Cross-breeding between tigers and lions has been successful in recent years. A male lion and a female tiger have been known to successfully mate to produce a hybrid known as a “liger.” No word yet on what the female hybrid will be referred to as.


The ‘tigon’ or ‘tiglon’ is a hybrid animal that is created when a male tiger and a female lion breed together. In addition, it has not yet been determined whether the female component of this hybrid is a “tigon's.”

The tigon and liger, on the other hand, grow larger than their parent species, according to research.

What do we call a group of female tigers?

It is common practice to refer to a group of female tigers as an ambush or a streak. Tigers are the most powerful and robust members of the cat family, and they have the distinction of being the largest cat species.

The tiger’s diet consists mainly of meat, which it hunts using its powerful sense of smell. Tiger mothers typically raise their litters of two to six cubs until the young are mature enough to fend for themselves.

Although tigers are solitary animals, groups of females often form close bonds and work together to raise their young. Male tigers generally live alone, except when they are searching for a mate.

Some male tigers will travel long distances in order to find a suitable mate, while others will stay closer to home. Once a male tiger has found a mate, he will stay with her and help raise the cubs.

Female Tiger Fact Sheet:

Now that you know what to call female tigers, let’s dig a little deeper and learn a little more about this fascinating animal.

Size and Weight:

Since tigers are the largest feline species, females tend to be huge in stature. The female tigers of the tiger family are much smaller than their male counterparts in stature. Female tigers are known for their wide range of sizes.

Female tigers can reach a height of 6.56 to 9 feet (200 to 275 cm) at maturity. Males, on the other hand, weigh 1.7 times more. They can weigh anything from 300 to 350 lbs (136 to 138.75 kilos).

When compared to a male tiger’s tail, the female tiger’s is shorter. Tigers often have a tail that extends 60 to 109 centimeters (24 to 60 inches) over their overall body length.


Body Appearance:

When it comes to female tigers, the orange coat fades into a white belly. Dark stripes run vertically down the entire body. Even when the fur is shaved, each female has its own stripe pattern.

Tigresses have rounder skulls, and their fur on the chin is thicker and longer. As a consequence of their appearance, one might assume that they are sporting a beard. They have distinctively rounded ears with a white patch on the rear. This white patch seems like an eye because it is surrounded by black fur, which gives it that appearance.

While other members of the feline family have shorter whiskers, male and female tigers both have long canine teeth and prominent whiskers.


Because they are the dominant predators in their habitats, adult female tigers face few dangers from other animals. Tigers, on the other hand, have a variety of defense mechanisms in place in the event of an attack.

In contrast to mature tigers, newborn tigers face danger from the moment of their birth due to their defenselessness and vulnerability. When the tigress goes out to hunt, they are victims of other predators.

Poaching is the primary danger to adult tigresses. The hair, claws, bones, and other body parts of tigresses are utilized in the practice of traditional Chinese medicine. Another side of this is the illegal trade in tiger parts, where tigers are kept to serve the black market.

Then there is the issue of commercially illegal breeding. Many tigresses are bred at an unusual rate because they are housed in inadequate shelters. Furthermore, they receive poor medical attention, resulting in increased mortality rates.


The tigress is the proper name for a female tiger. You couldn’t remember if you previously knew it or not. Even if you didn’t learn anything new from this article, at least you now know more about these gorgeous cats. The least you can do is brush up on your animal knowledge before the next round of pub quizzes.

Thank you for reading; if you enjoyed this article, we recommend another on the topic. What Are The Lion Adaptations?

This article was originally published by UrduFox.com

