Table of Contents of “Machines of Tomorrow”

Understand how Artificial Intelligence really works and how it will change our world: from employment to geopolitics, from education to the economy, exploring both utopian and dystopian scenarios.

Pedro Uria-Recio
2 min readJun 15, 2024

Table of Contents of the book “Machines of Tomorrow: From AI Origins to Superintelligence & Posthumanity.” How AI Will Shape Our World.

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Machines of Tomorrow: From AI Origins to Super Intelligence & Post Humanity. How AI Will Shape Our World.


Book Summary
A Word from the Authors

Part I: The Old Myth

1. Ancient Myths About Artificially Created Beings
2. Science Fiction from Frankenstein to the Space Race

Part II: The New Mind

3. Philosophers, Mathematicians, and the First Computer
4. The Dartmouth Workshop and the First AI Winter
5. Expert Systems and the Second AI Winter
6. Machine Learning During the Dot-Com and the Third AI Winter
7. The Great Financial Crisis and the Long AI Summer
8. The Rise of Artificial Creativity
9. Prelude to Artificial General Intelligence

Part III: The New Body

10. From Mechanical Automatons to the Industrial Revolution
11.The Great Debate: Symbolic or Analog Logic
12. The Muscular Strength of the Robotic Arm
13. The Land of the Rising Robot
14. Neural Networks and The Robotic Dream of Mobility
15. The Art of War with Robots
16. Robots Get to Outer Space.
17. The Japanese Dilemma: Immigration or Humanoids
18. Robot in Love

Part IV: The Transition

19. AI-Human Interlace and Posthumanity
20. Robotics Expands into Cyborgs
21. AI Supercharges Synthetic Biology
22. AI Utopia: Redistribution, Sustainability, Equity
23. AI Dystopia: Authoritarianism, Unemployment, Caste Politics
24. China and the Cold War of Artificial Intelligence

Part V: The New Being

25. Quantum Computing, the Likely Enabler
26. Superintelligence
27. Mind Uploading, Emulations, and Immortality
28. Taming the Beast
29. AI, the God
30. Will There Be War?
31. The Target of Evolution


The World’s Current Framework: Davos Jan’24
Our Framework for Transition

A Final Request


Machines of Tomorrow: From AI Origins to Super Intelligence & Post Humanity. How AI Will Shape Our World.

Link to the book: Machines of Tomorrow

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Author: Pedro Uria-Recio

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Machines of Tomorrow: From AI Origins to Super Intelligence & Post Humanity. How AI Will Shape Our World.



Pedro Uria-Recio

Chief Data & AI Officer | ex-McKinsey | Forbes Tech Council | Monetize data & AI