Sude Urkut
5 min readJun 20, 2023

What is LPG?
LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), popularly known as “cylinder gas”, is a common energy source used in heating, cooking and lighting. LPG is a colorless and odorless gas. However, it is specially scented in refineries so that any leaks can be detected immediately. LPG, which is obtained by refining crude oil in refineries or from natural gas, is filled into steel cylinders and presented to the consumer. LPG is the general name given to butane and propane gases and their mixtures in certain proportions. LPG used in household cylinders in Turkey consists of 70% butane and 30% propane. LPG, which is heavier than air due to its high density, is a hydrocarbon-based flammable gas.

LPG consists of dense mixtures of C3 and C4 hydrocarbons (propane, propylene, n-butane, butylene and iso-butane).Is LPG toxic?
LPG is a non-toxic gas. Inhalation of propane and butane contained in LPG does not have a toxic effect on the human body. It is a common misconception among the society that LPG is toxic. Deaths caused by LPG leakage are not due to toxic LPG; This is due to the fact that it is heavier than air, reducing the amount of oxygen in the environment.

Does LPG freeze?
Thanks to its chemical properties, it is not possible for LPG to freeze under the conditions we live in. Liquid LPG turns into gas phase by boiling even at 0°C temperature thanks to the transfer of heat energy from the external environment. In cases where the ambient temperature of the tube falls below 0°C, LPG starts to have difficulty in boiling because it cannot receive sufficient energy from the outside. While trying to transfer heat from the tube wall, the water vapor in the air on the surface of the tube first becomes dew and then freezes. This phenomenon, known among the people as “freezing of the tube”, actually consists of the freezing of the water on the wall of the tube. In this case, the tube will not be able to produce enough gas, and the devices that need gas will not work. Therefore, the correct place of use of the tubes is in room temperature environments with the possibility of ventilation.

Is LPG Dangerous?
LPG cylinders and LPG-operated devices produced in accordance with the standards are designed with high safety coefficients and are equipped with safety equipment. In this sense, LPG is as safe as any other energy source you can use at home.

Does the tube burst?
In order to provide the flow rate needed by the connected device, the LPG in the tube boils with the heat energy it receives from the external environment and passes into the gas phase. The pressure of the gas in the tubes varies between 2–3 bar depending on the ambient temperature; however, the operating (working) pressure of the cylinders is designed to be 17.5 bar. The safety valves on the cylinders open when the pressure in the cylinder reaches 26.5 bar, evacuating the high-pressure gas to the outside and preventing the cylinder from bursting by increasing the pressure inside the cylinder. After the tubes are out of production, they pass the hydrostatic strength test. In order for a cylinder to explode, the pressure inside the cylinder must rise to very high values ​​(50 bar and above), remain in the fire for more than a certain period of time, and the safety valve must not open. In the news that many “tube exploded” in the press, what is really meant is not the explosion tube; It is the explosion of the gas emitted into the environment by combining with a fire source. For these reasons, it must be ensured that the cylinders used at home have passed the strength and leakage tests and that the safety valves are in working condition.

One of the most important advantages of LPG; It can be stored as a liquid and used as a gas. When LPG is imported by ships or purchased from TÜPRAŞ, it is stocked in the global tanks of each distribution company and distribution is carried out from these global tanks to the regions. There are stock tanks and tubes with the capacity to store LPG according to its usage areas. C3-C4 hydrocarbon mixture, which we call LPG, is used as a mixture with a weight of 30% propane — 70% butane in our country. The boiling point of propane is 41°C and that of butane is 1°C. Propane is commercially advantageous because the boiling point of propane is lower than that of butane. Liquidation occurs in mixed LPG where the outside air temperature drops to 1°C and below in winter. In such places, the stock tank is placed underground in order to benefit from the soil temperature, the gas phase is transported with insulated pipes or an accompanying line, or 100% propane is used.

LPG TUBE dimensions

