Uroboros: The ideology of our team and community

Uroboros Omnichain Solution
3 min readNov 16, 2022


Hi, Uroborian! We want to share our values and ideology with you!

People are enchained by illusions that society has imposed on them. Just think about the basis on which you daily make important decisions, make purchases or choose a bank where you transfer all your savings? Did you do it by yourself?

With every step they take, people look back and expect encouragement from those they consider to be authorities. People are afraid to do something they really want, because society can condemn them and make them outcasts. So they think it’s better to be like everyone else and join the majority side than be different, realize their potential, explore the inner world, try and learn new things. Our community carries the idea of ​​omission of the traditional financial instruments and centralized dogma that work to enslave society in favor of a greedy minority that controls 50% of the world’s capital.

Uroboros wants Decentralized Finance to become just Finance, a real parallel financial ecosystem that does not compete with its conventional counterpart, but becomes part of it. Progress cannot go hand in hand with archaic practices. The invention of the flash drive marked the end of floppy disk and CD eras. The same pace should be maintained in the financial industry. If blockchain makes transactions instantly and cheaper, why bother resorting to wire transfers that take days and charge exuberant commissions?

Uroboros stands for complete freedom and the absence of stigma in finance. One’s hard-earned money has to belong to them in a non-custodial fashion, not remain stored in a custodial vault owned by some overly-centralized dude from old-money finance who owns a ramshackle cash-cow bank.

If wealth is to bring benefit to anyone, it has to enrich its owner. DeFi space provides all the necessary tools for making that possible, and Uroboros is intent on making them available to everyone in a free, transparent and fully decentralized manner.

Start a new cycle with DeFi!

Choose where, how, how much, when to keep your money and how to pay commissions. With Gasless Swaps, we remove the need to hold network tokens specifically for paying comissions.

With Uroboros 2.0, we are freeing ourselves from the concept of chains. The main message of the 2nd version is “No chains”. We invite users to break the chains of illusions and make decisions on their own. Let’s just use DeFi and get the profit!

Get as much control as possible over your funds and manage them however you want. This is one of the components of freedom in the modern world.

Forget about the need for KYC and registrations. Why should governments decide who and how can take advantage of all the opportunities that cryptocurrencies have opened up to the world? Geeks and anarchists came up with crypto and DeFi. Centralization makes this idea utopian.

Enable new ways to earn money, such as Swap2earn — now you do not need to buy equipment for tens of thousands of dollars and be a Whale to profit from MEV.

Learn new tools and improve yourself with a community of like-minded people. Break free and grow intellectually and financially with the rapidly accelerating world of DeFi! Do not miss the opportunity to boost your potential and not to stay in the Stone Age.

If you share and support our worldview! Join us!

Discord: https://discord.gg/MpTqKFxsFA

Twitter: https://twitter.com/uroborosdefi

Telegram: https://t.me/uroborosdefi

