Why I Absolutely HATE (actually love) Trevor Henderson’s Artwork

Garrett Heggenstaller
5 min readSep 7, 2020


Sirenhead, the child of horror artist, Trevor Henderson.

I’m not too perturbed by Trevor Henderson’s Sirenhead, though the thought of being alone in a forest at night with a source-less siren wailing through the trees makes me want to not sleep. However, it doesn’t make me lose sleep as much as other pieces by Trevor Henderson that I freaking hate with a burning passion, so let’s look at some!

Never thought I’d hate found-footage style horror until now.

Slenderman can piss off because I don’t want anything to do with whatever the hell that is. Trevor has the nerve to draw most of his abominations with these perfectly black, empty, soulless eyes juxtaposed with distorted mouths, and if someone were to wear this creature’s face as a mask, I’d cry and run away. While it appears the perspective is from someone in a car, I really don’t like how this guy is pointing directly at the viewer, so whoever is driving, floor it hard!

Once you see it, you’ll lay bricks.

I miss the ten seconds ago when I didn’t see this. This ugly SOB is dubbed by Trevor as the Man with the Upside-Down Face. Well, regardless of how his face is aligned, I hate him and I hate Trevor for making it! According to his tweet about this man, “he is often seen among crowds gathered after car accidents and fires. He’s never seen at the scene, only after the fact”. In other words, it’s time to stop caring about car crashes and it doesn’t particularly help my situation since the fire danger is high where I’m at.

Don’t come in, the water is awful.

Oh Jaws is supposed to make me afraid of the water? I don’t think so, because whatever this probably jaw-less beast is gives me submechanophobic vibes. I don’t know what I hate more, Trevor again for producing this monstrosity, or the fact that this monstrosity is probably three times my size and feasts on those that walk on the bridge over this very, very troubled water. And the fact that this picture is in the day gives evidence that you can still create horrifying content regardless if it’s dark or light out.

I’m sure he was a good boy.

Oh joy, Trevor makes me hate dogs now. If there was a blog about ten Polaroid pictures taken before disaster, this would be number one. Since it’s dark in this picture, I wouldn’t be surprised if this canine thing had a human face, I mean just look at its eyes and mouth! In addition, I hate how Trevor can make the most abandoned looking places, like this crusty stairway, seem like the most dangerous ones. There’s a story to be told with why GOOD BOY was crossed out and I’d hate to read it.

Teke Teke

I don’t know if “teke teke” is the sound this thing makes or this thing’s name, but I hate it regardless. I detest Trevor’s artistic ability to make me petrified to walk home at night, especially if something like this was crawling around! Just imagine if this thing wasn’t severed in half, then it could run, though it’s probably just as fast on its Gollum-like arms. On one hand I want to see this thing’s face but on the other I really don’t and would really prefer to not look at this image any longer, especially at the entrails hanging loose from its body.

Just like your favourite cartoon

So not only does Trevor have the gall to make me hate dogs, but also cartoon dogs. There’s nothing goofy about this illustration and lord only knows how long those greasy, black limbs are, and how sharp those gnarly fangs are! I not only hate this dog, but the fact that someone thought it’d be a good idea to put music to this image, I mean just listen. I’d like to know the location of where this picture was taken so I can avoid it at all costs, because this is one dog I refuse to pet.

So yeah, I freaking hate Trevor Henderson’s artwork, all the characters he has created, and the fact that I wrote this in the dead of night. If you’re afraid to see more of his artwork, definitely don’t check out his Twitter or his Format page. Oh and you wanna know something else? He has a damn book full of ghost stories called Odd Noises in Empty Rooms, which you totally shouldn’t buy if you’re just as scared of his artwork as I am. Sweet dreams!

Edit: Some of y’all really need to practice identifying sarcasm, because I don’t hate Trevor’s artwork. The only thing I hate is how many people try to bootleg his content or steal it for their own personal gain. I love Trevor’s art which is why I plugged some of his links so y’all could check out his stuff. I did not mean to offend anyone or insult Trevor, but damn some people need to get better at recognizing jokes.



Garrett Heggenstaller

Hey y’all! My name is Garrett and welcome to the Ham & Cheese blog! I write about things I like including film, horror, gaming, and more.