Orkut is back with Hello

Ur's Vishnu
2 min readFeb 12, 2018


If you ask, what is the first social media that you used? Without any second thought, 90’s kid will answer it as “Orkut.” Because everyone from this generation used to have Orkut account and it was the first social media platform through which we are connected.

Before Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, G+, the only social media platform which we are connected through. Before Facebook, Orkut stood as a king in this concrete jungle. The only social media who had a beautiful thought to bring us all together at a single place to share everything.

Who is Orkut?

Orkut. One of the employees from Google started Orkut.com which was launched a month before Facebook was launched. During its initial days, Orkut attracted some initial interest from Americans, Indians, and Brazilians. Mostly from Indians and Brazilians.

India and Brazil were getting economically strong and digitally expanding. The Internet is getting affordable to everyone in these countries and Orkut started growing bigger and bigger. Facebook and Orkut had a healthy competition but Orkut leads the major market.

The downfall of Orkut:

The story of Orkut in India is getting stronger. Google recognized its potential in 2007 and rolled out the site in six Indian languages — Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Kannada, Tamil, and Telugu. After 6 good years, Orkut started losing it’s important and finally lost out for the first time to facebook.

According to the comScore reports, Facebook registered 24.3 million rises whereas Orkut registered just 18.7 million. Orkut started decreasing Simultaneous where Facebook and Twitter started growing exponentially.

The ultimate death of Orkut comes in 2011. When Facebook started growing his upper base in Brazil and India and registered 192% growth rate in a year around the world. Orkut couldn’t able to match the Facebook growth and registered just 2 million users only and started dying slowly.

Google decided to kill Orkut and launched G+. Other social networking sites gradually increasing their users with their innovative ideas where Orkut can’t able to do the same. In 2014 Orkut was officially killed by Google and explained why?

Paulo Golgher explained the reason in one of his blogs “Over the past decade, YouTube, Blogger, and Google+ have taken off, with communities springing up in every corner of the world. Because the growth of these communities has outpaced Orkut’s growth, we’ve decided to bid Orkut farewell. We’ll be focusing our energy and resources on making these other social platforms as amazing as possible for everyone who uses it.”

Comeback of Orkut Click to know more.

