How has the pandemic helped me?

3 min readMar 15, 2023


The pandemic has affected countless lives in different ways. Some have lost their loved ones, while others have struggled to cope with the financial impact of lockdowns. However, for me, the pandemic has been a turning point in my life.

it says stay home
Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash

My name is Amina, and I am a single mother of two boys from a coastal town in South India.

For over a decade, I struggled to cope with emotional challenges. Years of abuse have weakened both my body and mind. When we lost a family member, I had survived on autopilot, and my relationship with Allah was my only source of comfort.

One verse from the Quran that has helped me through difficult times is:

Verily, with hardship comes ease (Quran 94:5–6).

This reminds me that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for a better tomorrow.

As the years went by, I was busy with my daily routine of school, housework, and parenting duties. I had no time to think about my future or where I was going.

However, during the pandemic, I finally found the time to reflect on my life. It forced me to face my past, and I realized that I needed to make changes in my life.

As the world came to a standstill in 2020, I asked myself questions about my goals, my priorities, and my vision.

With Allah’s support, I decided to take control of my life and prepare myself emotionally and financially to face the challenges ahead. Along the way, I discovered my passion for calligraphy and developed design and editing skills. I found joy in creating and designing, as well as working on my writing and teaching abilities.

Brush pen Calligraphy by Amina

Each day, I worked on improving myself, and it became clear to me that getting a job or earning money was not my ultimate goal. Studying for a degree or being a mother was not enough. I needed a purpose that fulfilled the soul of my existence.

The Hadith that has inspired me on my journey is the Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) saying:

The best of you are those who benefit mankind (Bukhari).

This reminds me that my purpose in life is not just to fulfill my own desires, but to make a positive impact on the world around me.

Today, I am on a mission to seek my purpose in life. It is not easy, but I am determined to make a difference in the world, even if it is a small one. I want to inspire young Muslim women, and single mothers like me, to find their purpose, support them emotionally, and never give up hope. With Allah’s guidance, I know that I can make a difference ,and contribute to a better future for us all, In sha Allah.

The pandemic has been a challenging time for many, but for me, it has been a blessing in disguise.

Alhamdulillah! It has given me the time and space to reflect on my life, find my purpose, and work towards it.

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