5 Best Vegetables for Fitness:Bodybuilding

1 min readFeb 24, 2018

Vegetables can easily be overlooked in a bodybuilding diet. When you’re so focused on getting your protein and carbohydrates in, concentrating on more calorie-dense foods like steak, oats, eggs and rice, vegetables often fall by the wayside. Bodybuilders need vegetables for their antioxidant and phytochemical content, however, notes registered dietitian Matthew Kadey on the Muscle and Fitness website. These can help you fight off illness, recover quicker and aid post-workout muscle repair.

1.Something Sweet

Bodybuilders typically count sweet potatoes as a carbohydrate source, alongside pasta and bread, but these vegetables are packed full of bodybuilding benefits. As they’re a root vegetable, sweet potatoes are higher in carbohydrates than other vegetables, which can be useful when you’re trying to add calories into your bulking diet. Sports nutritionist Dr. John Berardi recommends sweet potatoes with cinnamon on top as part of your lunch, or as a post-workout snack. If you’re not big on sweet potatoes, try parsnips, turnip or squash for a higher carbohydrate vegetable instead.

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