6 Busy-Mom Workout Mistakes For Women :Bodybuilding

2 min readMar 10, 2018


I know firsthand what it feels like to juggle health, fitness, family, and finances. Balancing things is tough! But in my book, Busy Mum Syndrome: How to Let Go of Excuses, Lose Weight And Create the Life You Deserve, I suggest that building a healthy approach to all of those areas actually starts with fitness.

Why is this? There are many reasons, ranging from the boost in energy that exercise gives us to the way it encourages building healthy habits. But this much is clear: It’s an area that busy moms struggle with!

No matter what stage you are at after the birth of your little one (or little ones), taking charge of your training and avoiding these pitfalls will help you build momentum. More importantly, it will restore the confidence you need to get back on track with your goals.

1. You Just Do What Everyone Else Does

When we don’t know what to do, we often resort to doing what everyone around us is doing. For many women at the gym, this means flocking to slow-moving cardio machines (usually with TVs) and performing the same old half-hearted lightweight upper-body workouts. This approach isn’t useless, but it also isn’t optimal — and it definitely isn’t time-efficient.Read More

