Women Who Code Mentorship Program 2.0 — Week 4 and 5

The last two weeks of the mentorship program were all about Machine Learning for me and creating an online presence.

Urvi Goel
3 min readFeb 23, 2020

As I continued with my course in ML, I also looked for more resources and decided which project in ML I want to work upon.
To create my online presence, my mentor Atibhi instructed me to update my LinkedIn profile, follow more relevant accounts on Twitter, update my webpage which I made in week 1 and most importantly create my resume.

While getting done with the rest of the tasks was fairly easy, creating a good resume required a lot of points that had to be kept in mind. As Atibhi mentioned and I agree that a lot of first and second years shy away from creating their resume thinking that they might not have enough significant achievements for it. But come to think of it, there is a large range of things that you can add in your resume and update it as you move ahead in your career. Here are a few key points that I gathered while making the resume for myself and from the input and feedback of Atibhi-

  1. Overleaf and Novoresume are two good sites to build your resume.
  2. Try to keep your resume one-column as it looks more presentable and is easy to read by the algorithms used by different companies for shortlisting.
  3. Add links to your GitHub and LinkedIn accounts. Add email id and phone number in contact details.
  4. There is no need for languages or hobbies section in your resume but do mention college activities, any technical club you’re part of, volunteering, etc in Extracurricular section. Add links wherever possible to increase credibility.
  5. Be sure to add a separate section for relevant coursework. (like Data Structures, OOPs, Computer Networks)
  6. Keep the resume one page strictly and double-check any typos.
  7. Mention your GPA accurately. And if space is left, add your class 10–12 marks too.
  8. Most importantly, the projects section. Add all projects like making your own webpage or any course project done by you. Describe each project in detail including the techstack used and link to GitHub repository.
  9. Lastly, save your resume as FIRSTNAME_LASTNAME.pdf
Description of projects in resume

I did make a few mistakes in my first draft which were quickly corrected by my mentor. Hence, I would advise to get a review from someone experienced after you make your first draft!

As this mentorship program comes to an end, I look back and realise how much I have learnt and achieved in this short period with the help of my Mentor and Women Who Code Delhi.

I started this mentorship program with the hope that it will provide me with a direction to move ahead and at the end of week 5, I can safely say that it has done just that.

My path looks less hazy to me and I feel more confident and fearless now to walk upon it and reach my destination. This is the difference that the mentorship program has made in my life. And I will always be grateful to Atibhi Agrawal and Women Who Code for this golden opportunity!



Urvi Goel

I am growing and I would like to share this journey with the world.