How to identify your personal design style?

Urvi Priyadarshini
5 min readJun 30, 2024


This is an in-depth article about defining your personal interior design style. The first part of the article talks about the various design styles, you might skip it if you already know it. This article also contains links to various blogs on these design styles and YouTube videos to help you out.

Design is a personal expression, an art form that reflects your innermost self.

Understanding that there is no perfect design style

What’s trendy isn’t perfect; what’s old isn’t rubbish. Instead, true satisfaction is found in embracing the freedom to appreciate both. It’s all about what you choose and what makes you feel at home.

Everyone has their own likes and dislikes. Many times, what’s trendy doesn’t even go to our liking and it’s totally normal. Trends change every single year, but your design won’t. We might upgrade our choices, or develop a new choice, but is it possible for everyone to change their interior every year? That’s why it’s important to choose what you really like. Develop your own sense of a “timeless design”.

However, before you do that, you must know the basic characteristics of some important design styles and their timelines.

Types of Design Styles in Interior Design

Let’s classify various interior design styles into the historical periods that they draw inspiration from:

Ancient and Classical Styles:

  • Greek Revival Style: This style draws inspiration from ancient Greek architecture and design, featuring columns, friezes, and classical motifs.
  • Romanesque Style: Inspired by Roman architecture, this style incorporates arches, thick walls, and simple, rustic materials.

Your personal design style might be inspired by these if you have a keen interest in history. These styles are often used in luxurious hotels, ancient public building interiors, etc. These are not very popular interior design styles.

Medieval and Gothic Styles:

  • Gothic Revival Style: Recreating the Gothic era, this style features pointed arches, stained glass, and intricate stone carvings.

These design styles are often used by movie set designers to design the background of fantasy or historical movies. These are not very popular interior design styles.

Renaissance and Baroque Styles:

  • Renaissance Revival Style: Emulating the Renaissance period, it includes classical motifs, balanced proportions, and frescoes.
  • Baroque Revival Style: This style reflects the opulence of the Baroque era with ornate details, grand chandeliers, and rich fabrics.

These design styles are often loved by vintage interior design lovers. However, the execution and sourcing of materials for them are a costly affair. Sometimes, we might even need to customize pieces of furniture or build from scratch. They are more popular in Europe than in any other part of the world.

Neoclassical and Rococo Styles:

  • Neoclassical Style: Inspired by the Neoclassical period, it emphasizes symmetry, classical columns, and elegant furnishings.
  • Rococo Revival Style: This style features delicate, ornate furniture and pastel color palettes, reminiscent of the Rococo era.

Victorian and Arts and Crafts Styles:

  • Victorian Style: Characterized by heavy, ornate furniture, rich colors, and intricate patterns, reflecting the Victorian era.
  • Arts and Crafts Style: Inspired by the Arts and Crafts movement, it emphasizes craftsmanship, simplicity, and natural materials.

Modernism and Contemporary Styles:

  • Modernist Style: Rooted in the modernist movement, it features clean lines, minimalism, and the use of materials like glass and steel.
  • Mid-Century Modern Style: Reflects the mid-20th century with sleek, functional furniture, and organic forms.
  • Post-Modern Style: Inspired by post-modernism, it incorporates eclectic elements and challenges traditional design norms.
  • Contemporary Style: Represents the present era with a mix of styles, focusing on what’s currently trending, often blending modern and traditional elements.

Post-Modern and Miscellaneous Styles:

  • Industrial Style: Draws from old factories and warehouses, featuring raw materials like exposed brick and steel.
  • Scandinavian Style: Reflects the design ethos of Nordic countries with simplicity, functionality, and natural light.
  • Bohemian Style: Known for its eclectic and free-spirited vibe, combining elements from various cultures.
  • Minimalist Style: Emphasizes simplicity and minimalism, focusing on decluttered spaces and neutral color schemes.
  • Art Deco Style: Flourished in the 1920s and 1930s, featuring geometric patterns, luxurious materials, and bold colors.

These classifications showcase how interior design styles often pay homage to historical periods, either by replicating their characteristics or reinterpreting them in a contemporary context. Each style has its unique aesthetic and can cater to different tastes and preferences.

Develop Personal Style: Explore 2x, Experiment 3x

If you don’t explore, you’ll never know what’s better. If you don’t experiment, you won’t know why it’s better. Develop an understanding of your likes and dislikes. You might not be able to identify what you like, but you can certainly identify what you don’t. For example, if you hate minimalist designs, you might love maximalist design styles like Bohemian, Art Deco, etc.

Study your own Design

Take a closer look at your Pinterest board or your own designs, if you create them. Analyze the choices you’ve made and ask yourself why you saved certain pictures or created your paintings in a particular way. Your design style often reflects the influences and experiences you’ve had throughout your life.

Take inspiration but don’t copy

You can like the personal design style of a designer. If someone comes to your mind, study their design style. What features do they use in their design? How do they proceed with their design? What are the common characteristics of their design pieces? Once you know them, search the internet for similar designs, and draw inspiration from them. However, don’t copy them.

Draw Inspiration, Craft Masterpieces, Copy and Mere Replicas Shall They Be

Be bold and expressive

Don’t be afraid of anyone’s opinions. If you like colors, go for it (just make sure it matches, nobody likes havoc) Create mood boards, don’t run after trends if you don’t like them, and be your personal self. After all, it’s your space!

Flexibility is Important!

Don’t cling to any particular style; instead, explore, learn, and grow. Understand that your style will evolve over time and with experience. If you don’t know your personal style today, you will in the future. Allow the soup to simmer and develop fully before making a judgment.

Some cool modern designers with their own personal style

These are some of the designers I love. You might follow some of your own stars.

  1. XO, MaCenna– She runs a YouTube channel. I have learned by basics of interior design styles by watching her videos. She is more leaning toward vintage design aesthetics.
  2. Alexandra Gater– She has a more modern approach to her design. I really like her color palettes.

Hush! That was a long article. I hope it helps you find your own personal interior design style. Thanks for stopping by!



Urvi Priyadarshini

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