The Ultimate Squat Rack Guide

Katie Leslove
3 min readJun 8, 2020

A squat rack is a nice addition to your home gym. But don’t go out there buying the first one you find. At a complete loss on what’s good and which options are not? This guide should help you find your way around squat racks until you’re identified the best one.

Consider the Size

That’s one of the first things you need to think about when you shop for a squat rack for sale. Will it fit your floor space? If it won't, then every other detail won’t matter. Be sure to check the dimensions to see if it’s too tall or short. If there’s anything that doesn’t work for you, then look elsewhere.

Check the Quality

Once you’re certain that fit isn’t a problem, then the next most important thing on your list is quality. Of course, there’s a difference when you shop for commercial options versus personal ones. Think about two things: how much use will that squat rack see? How much weight will it need to hold? Consider how much you plan to use it for the next few years. That will help you figure out which options suit you. For instance, decide on the type and thickness of the steel. If you’re opting for 2x2 steel, then those are inexpensive options. Costly ones often come with 3x3 steel options.

Look at the Craftmanship

Take a look at the welding work. Do the welds do their jobs? Ugly welds will inevitably lead to equipment failure. That’s something you want to avoid, especially since the goal is to choose a rack that’s going to last you for years. A little bit of research will help you steer clear of brands and manufacturers who are well-known for their have bad welds.

Think About the Cost

How much is your budget? Staying well within what you can afford should be easy with plenty of research and patience. A word of caution, though: you get what you pay for. That doesn’t mean spending more than you should. You don’t need to get the most expensive rack out there. But stop yourself from going for the cheapest option available. It might seem like a good buy but if it breaks down much too easily and quickly, then that’s not a good bargain. Equipment failure is common with these racks. They’re not just a waste of money. Using them can lead to injury and harm, too.

Observe Ease of Use

Is it easy to use the rack? Find out how the safety bars are adjusted. Is it easy to do? Or not? If you’re shifting from one exercise to another, you wouldn’t want to be hampered by a machine. That will break up your momentum and concentration. Instead, look for a rack that makes it easy to adjust the bars. That way, you can keep your mind on your workouts.

Go Over the Safety Features

What are the safety features in place? Can you secure the rack to the floor, so it won’t move? Is there a stabilizer? Can you adjust the safety bars to the level that you need?



Katie Leslove

I am an explorer, blogger, traveller and a creative thinker. I am exploring the world with my creative vision to learn more and more about this optimist world.