Roundup: The Best UX Articles of Q2 2017

4 min readJul 3, 2017


Well, would you look at that? The sun is shining and our annual Usabilla outing is fast approaching — 2017 is flying by, which means it’s time for our second roundup of the year. Here we have a collection of the most popular UX articles shared by our social media community throughout Q2, as well as a couple of our own personal favorites. Enjoy!

Is the Floating Action Button Bad UX Design?

The floating action button is a component of Google’s material design which all Android users will be familiar with. However, when a button is specifically designed to stand out — can it negatively impact the user experience?

UX Designers: Here are the 56 Best Websites to Learn Something New

Staying curious is an essential quality of becoming an exceptional UX designer, but sometimes it’s the things you learn about non-design topics that can really change your perspective. So, go ahead and broaden your UX learning with these great online courses.

Why Understanding Customer Experience Makes You a Great UX Designer

Understanding the connection between users and customers plays a fundamental role in defining the difference between UX and CX. Here’s a great breakdown of the two terms and how you can best optimize your platform for each journey.

A Year of Google & Apple Maps

Justin O’Beirne took monthly screenshots of Google and Apple Maps in order to track the changes each platform made as they evolved. In this eye-opening article, he delves into the details and accuracy of each update to see which provider comes out on top.

A Short History of Computer User Interface Design

Whether it’s a laptop or a smartphone, every piece of hardware has a user interface (UI) design that tries to contribute to a great user experience. However, the UI you see on your Apple iPhone or Windows PC has been a long time in the making — this interesting article tracks their evolution.

How to Avoid Being Deceived By Data

From the outside, it seems like data is impartial — it’s cold, objective, accurate. In reality, though, it’s more complicated than that. In this article, Alex Birkett explains that data can actually be interpreted in dangerous ways while offering up the best ways to avoid deception.

The Power of Experience Mapping

Performance Engineers might have some of the most diverse yet important roles in any technical team — their influence on the experience of a user can potentially have a huge impact. Read on to discover how Experience Mapping can make this high-pressure workload much less daunting.

The Term Game: Usability Definitions

When it comes to learning about the web, optimization, and usability, it often feels like we’re confronted with a whole bunch of buzzwords and acronyms without much context. That’s why we’ve put together a short usability dictionary of the terms we come across in our day-to-day scrolling.

And there we have it. A roundup of the UX articles that made us think and put a smile on our face in Q2 2017.

Any you think we’ve missed?

Let us know in the comments or shoot us a tweet @usabilla.




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