Pomodoro technique

Usama Hameed
2 min readDec 1, 2019


The word Pomodoro comes from an Italian word which means tomato. This technique was a time management method developed by Franceso Cirillo in 1980s. He named it ‘Promodoro’ because he has a tomato shaped timer which he used to track his work when he was studying in university. This technique uses a timer to break the work into several intervals traditionally 25 minutes in length and also separated in the short breaks each of the interval is known as a pomodoro. For completing a task by this technique the user make sure that he is completely focused and also avoid distraction.


This technique is quite new and non familiar to me. Before this I used to do my work in a conventional way and due to this workload increases and sometime I misses the deadline. Through this technique I learned how to manage my work in a given time frame by dividing my task in equal time intervals.

In my first attempt to apply this technique I feel some difficulty as I am not able to complete my work in a given time frame but gradually I improved. The important thing is to work in a relaxed and a peaceful environment to avoid the distractions. For this I applied few techniques including switching of internet from mobile.

I find the short breaks are really helpful in order to recharge and refresh and it is also helpful for mental state.

