F1 Visa
7 min readJan 6, 2022

How to start a business without money (no capital, zero capital)- medium.com

Many people have written and talked about how to become successful in life. But nobody has ever written anything about how to become rich from having literally nothing. I mean having ZERO financial support from your family or friends because they’re poor too. I came from such a family that didn’t have enough to support me. Yet, that didn’t stop me from succeeding.

I want to show you how you can succeed on your own without help.

STEP 1. Ask yourself: what do I do very well? What talent do I have? There must be something you can do very well. For me, the one thing I can do very well is writing and helping people; especially if it’s helping people find solution to a problem.

Please be completely honest to yourself now and answer the above question. Because the answer to that question is the beginning of your success. Your talent could be anything. Maybe you can make people laugh, maybe you can draw and paint beautiful arts, maybe you can wash clothes very well, maybe you can sing, maybe you can hoe the farm land really well, maybe you can teach well.

STEP 2. The second thing to do is have a goal and a vision. What’s a goal? A goal is a target you want to achieve from time to time on the way to your final destination. Set little goals such as saving $50 in a month no matter how little you earn, even if you have to go hungry to save it. A goal could be quiting smoking if you think it would hinder you from achieving your vision. What’s a vision? A vision is a picture in your mind about what you want to become eventually. Example; “I want to own a school” or “I want to own a dry cleaning chain” or “I want to become a music star” Your vision is the final destination after you’ve met all your goals.

STEP 3. Now that you know your talent and your goal and vision: Ask yourself: how can I make money with my talent? Remember you already mentioned your talent in step one.

STEP 4. From this point, stop waiting for help from anybody. Decide right now that you’re going to use your talent to do any job that can give you money. It may not be a good job in the beginning and you may not be paid well but you must get started first. You can always switch to another job later.

STEP 5. Don’t wait for work. Don’t wait for an employer. Don’t send a CV to anybody. Instead, begin working immediately. What do I mean? Let’s say your talent in that you can teach very well and your vision is to own a school. Then set a goal in your mind. Your goal should be that you must find parents within your neighborhood who would allow you to teach their children. That’s your goal.

STEP 6. Go and start knocking on doors right in your apartment (if you live with others) and tell parents that you can teach their little children in evening time after they come back from school. Tell them you can make their children better students and explain how you’ll do that. Maybe you have a better way of teaching mathematics or helping someone learn English better. Just explain to them. If they allow you, ask for their past lessons and books and begin work same day. Don’t worry about salary at this point. Instead, tell the parents to pay you whatever they can afford. Now, you’ve closed your first deal. Go to the neighboring house and repeat the same thing and have them meet up at your current classroom. Go to the whole of your street or neighborhood until you find enough people to teach. Never argue with salary at the beginning. Just get started first. You can ask for pay rise later. When you’ve found enough students to teach, you can have them meet at your house or at the house of any of the other students. Make sure to inform all parents where they’ll have to meet for lectures.

If you can sing, find a music band within your neighborhood and join them. Ask to join them and they can pay you whatever they want if they think you’re good. Get started first!! If you’re really good you can ask for pay rise after few weeks or months. You can always move to another music band until you find the one you’re comfortable with.

If you can hoe the farmland really well, it’s the same process. Go and find a farmer in your neighborhood and tell him/her that you can work and they can pay what they can afford. Begin work immediately. You can ask for pay rise later. Or find another farmer.

If you can cut hair really well, go to your neighborhood and find good barbing saloon. Tell the owner that you can cut hair really well. Ask him/her to give you a chance to prove yourself and that he/she can pay you what they can afford. If indeed you’re good, you can always ask for a pay rise after a couple of months or even weeks. Get started first!!

If you can wash clothes very well, go knock the door of people in your street or your neighborhood and politely tell them that you can wash their clothes and iron them really well. Tell them to pay you whatever they can afford. Wash their clothes, iron them. You can ask for pay rise later and if you’re good, they’ll pay you higher.

These days, money can also be made online if you have the required skill. All you need is a computer or mobile phone and internet connection.

Can you draw? Can you paint a beautiful art work? Draw something beautiful and go out and show people. Tell them to pay how much they can afford. You can also sell it online. Below is list of websites where you can sell your art work online. Be informed that some of them require a membership fee or approval before you can sell. Others sites are free but they will take a commission when you sell your art.











Please find a REVIEW of the above websites.









Please find a REVIEW of the above websites.

If the above review link is bloken, go to google.com and search “best websites to sell art work” then follow any lead of your choice to read reviews. You can register on as many websites as you want and after that you can begin listing your arts in many websites for more exposure. If you can create a good art, you’ll make a lot of money. You may even become popular. Remember you can also post your drawing on Facebook and if someone like it, you can sell it directly without paying commission to any middle man.

Here is another one. If you have technical skills in doing certain tasks, you can also earn money from www.fiverr.com or www.upwork.com

People go there to find someone to help them do something. Visit the sites to see the type of tasks people post there, then post what you can do. If you can do it really well, you’ll get many customers who need your service.

Finally, I have another method you can use to make money online and it’s my favorite. This is the most lucrative if you have little money to spend on Facebook advertising. I personally do this and I’ve recommended it to my friends and they’re also doing it. All you need is a computer or mobile phone, Facebook account, a free blog and you can start making money online. If you’re good in using the internet, see how I make $1,000 per month with my smartphone, Facebook account, and blog.

Don’t be shy. Don’t wait till tomorrow before you start. Don’t procrastinate. Begin right now!!

Remember all the above jobs are temporary jobs just to get you started first. When you start, you can then climb higher and higher and higher. You can’t climb higher unless you start. Start first!!

How you would proceed from this step to the next depends on how disciplined you’re as a person. It’s up to you whether you would follow through on your little goals. I cannot do that for you. But what I can tell you is keep getting more information about a better job offer somewhere else. And if you see something better elsewhere, move to the next level of your journey. When you find a better job offer somewhere, all you have to do is tell your current employer. He/she may offer you more money at that point. It would be up to you whether you want to stay or not.

IMPORTANT: Go and open a bank account where you’ll be saying your money. Don’t give anybody money to keep for you even if they’re your family members. Save any little money you can. You must learn how to save money even if it’s one dollar or one cent that you can save. You’ll need the savings to invest in something else in future. Gradually, you’ll realize your vision after a couple of years.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. Start first and as you go further, you’ll learn more on your way. Don’t mess with your goal and vision.

Thanks for reading.

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