CI/CD Pipeline Phases Explained

3 min readMay 21, 2024


Photo by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash

In the fast-paced world of software development, speed and efficiency are crucial. This is where CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Deployment) pipelines come in, streamlining the software development lifecycle. Let’s break down the key phases of a CI/CD pipeline, transforming your development process from a chaotic chariot race into a well-oiled delivery machine.

1. The Trigger: Setting the Chariot in Motion

  • This is the starting point, where an action initiates the pipeline. It could be:
  • A code commit to a version control system (VCS) like Git.
  • A scheduled execution (e.g., nightly builds).
  • A manual trigger by a developer.

2. Code Checkout: Gathering the Supplies

  • The pipeline retrieves the latest code from the VCS repository. Imagine your developers gathering the necessary code components for the build.

3. Build Phase: Constructing the Chariot

  • This phase compiles the source code into an executable format or deployable artifact. Think of it as assembling the various code pieces into a functioning application.
  • This might involve tasks like:
  • Compiling code (e.g., Java to bytecode)
  • Running unit tests to identify any errors early on (like checking if the chariot wheels are properly attached)
  • Creating packages for deployment

4. Testing Phase: Ensuring a Smooth Ride

  • Here, the built application undergoes rigorous testing to ensure functionality and quality. This is like putting your chariot through rigorous test runs to identify any potential issues before the big race (deployment).
  • Unit tests (focused on individual components)
  • Integration tests (focused on how components interact)
  • Functional tests (simulating real-world user interactions)
  • Security tests (identifying vulnerabilities)
  • If any tests fail, the pipeline might halt, and developers need to fix the issues before continuing.

5. Delivery/Deployment Phase: Reaching the Destination

  • Once the code is built and tested successfully, it’s time to deliver (or deploy) it to the target environment. This could be:
  • A staging environment for a final dress rehearsal before going live.
  • The production environment, where the application is made available to users. Imagine your chariot finally reaching the race track (production environment).
  • Deployment strategies can vary:
  • Blue/Green deployments (switching traffic from an old version to a new one)
  • Rolling updates (gradually deploying the new version to a subset of users)

6. Monitoring and Feedback: Continuous Improvement

  • The pipeline doesn’t end after deployment. It’s crucial to monitor the application’s performance and user feedback in the target environment. This feedback loop allows for continuous improvement:
  • Identifying and fixing bugs in production
  • Gathering user feedback to inform future development efforts

Additional Considerations

  • Automation is Key: CI/CD pipelines are most effective when highly automated. This reduces manual intervention and allows for faster and more reliable deployments.
  • Version Control is Essential: Version control systems like Git keep track of code changes, enabling rollbacks if necessary.
  • Security Throughout the Pipeline: Security needs to be integrated throughout the pipeline, from code checks to vulnerability scanning in the build phase.

By implementing a well-defined CI/CD pipeline with these phases, you can significantly improve your software development process. Your developers can focus on writing great code, while the pipeline takes care of the repetitive and error-prone tasks. This leads to faster deployments, fewer bugs, and happier users — a true victory for your development team!

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