Gen AI’s thoughts on the Future of DevSecOps; As it is

3 min readDec 8, 2023


Photo by Mojahid Mottakin on Unsplash

Predicting the future is always a tricky business, but here are some educated guesses about where DevSecOps might be in the next five years:

Increased automation:

We can expect to see even more automation in the DevSecOps process. This will free up developers and security professionals to focus on more strategic tasks. Some areas where we might see more automation include:

  • Security testing: Automated security testing tools will become even more sophisticated and accurate, able to identify a wider range of vulnerabilities.
  • Vulnerability management: Automated tools will be able to prioritize and remediate vulnerabilities more effectively.
  • Compliance management: Automated tools will help organizations comply with industry regulations more easily.

Shift-left security:

The trend of “shifting security left” will continue to gain momentum. This means integrating security into the development process earlier and more frequently. This will help to identify and fix vulnerabilities earlier in the development lifecycle, when they are less expensive and easier to fix.

AI and machine learning:

Artificial intelligence and machine learning will play a bigger role in DevSecOps. AI/ML can be used to:

  • Identify patterns and anomalies in security data.
  • Predict and prevent security incidents.
  • Personalize security policies and controls.

Cloud-native security:

As more organizations move to the cloud, DevSecOps will need to adapt to the cloud-native environment. This will mean using cloud-native security tools and practices, such as infrastructure as code (IaC) security and container security.

Threat intelligence:

Organizations will need to pay more attention to threat intelligence to stay ahead of attackers. This will involve collecting and analyzing data about threats and vulnerabilities, and then using that information to improve security posture.

Skills gap:

The demand for DevSecOps professionals will continue to grow, but there will be a shortage of qualified candidates. This means that organizations will need to invest in training and development programs to close the skills gap.

Here are some additional trends that might shape the future of DevSecOps:

  • The rise of serverless computing: Serverless computing can make it easier to secure applications, as there are fewer servers to manage.
  • The increasing use of APIs: APIs can be a security risk if they are not properly secured. DevSecOps teams will need to find ways to secure APIs more effectively.
  • The growing importance of privacy: Privacy regulations such as GDPR will continue to evolve, and DevSecOps teams will need to comply with these regulations.

In conclusion, DevSecOps is a rapidly evolving field that is constantly changing. The next five years will likely bring even more innovation and change to DevSecOps. Organizations that want to stay ahead of the curve will need to invest in new tools, technologies, and skills.

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AI practitioner | Cloud Security | Cybersecurity | Subject Matter Expert