How can organizations practice DevSecOps?

2 min readFeb 23, 2024


Photo by Thao LEE on Unsplash

Well, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach! Each organization may have different techniques tailored to its specific needs and resources. Let’s break it down for startups and large organizations.

For startups, resources like people, technology, and money might be limited. So, the key is to upscale the development team to incorporate security practices seamlessly into the infrastructure. This means making security an integral part of the development process from the get-go.

On the other hand, large organizations have more resources at their disposal. This makes implementing DevSecOps practices a bit easier. Here, involving top-of-the-funnel security practitioners in automating security checks within CI/CD pipelines can have a significant impact. By integrating security into the development workflow, large organizations can ensure that security is not an afterthought but a core part of the process.

Additionally, having a dedicated team focused on security checks and best practices helps bridge the gap between early detection, prevention, and remediation of security issues. This proactive approach ensures that security is continually prioritized throughout the development lifecycle.

Ultimately, following these practices aligns with the organization’s zero-trust pipeline policy, ensuring that security is ingrained into every step of the development process. So, whether you’re a startup or a large enterprise, prioritizing DevSecOps practices is essential for building secure and resilient software systems.

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