10 Tips To Be A Super Sexy Wife!

DESIRED Magazine
6 min readAug 7, 2015


Be A Sexy Beast!

I want to start this off by saying that marriage is not a license to get comfortable! It is downright crazy how many people take this view on it, though. And, some people even refer to it as a benefit!?!?! If anything, getting married should inspire you to be the best version of yourself possible. It should keep you striving to make the most out of it that you can. It should make you want to keep all those feelings that caused you and your husband to get married to begin with! Let me tell you that getting comfortable is not the answer! Now, when I say comfortable I am referring to “letting yourself go” or “not having to work at being sexy for your partner and turning them on”. I also want to say that this goes EQUALLY for men too, and I have an article coming up discussing just that, so make sure to keep an eye out for it, and have your man read it! What is the number one reason people stray in a marriage? I will save you the Google search…it’s because they get bored! Why do they get bored? It’s because the passion goes to the wayside for all kinds of reasons, like having kids, incurring debt, being overworked, and countless others. You have to understand that this can happen to your relationship, if it hasn’t already, and combat it like it was World War 3! Take a look at these tips to be a super sexy wife!

1. Burn The “Mom” Pajamas! I am SOOOO serious! You know what I am talking about…that loose, unflattering, full coverage, pajama set that you like to wear around. The same goes for wearing a t-shirt and pajama pants! Just don’t. I understand that you may have kids and you can’t be walking around the house in a “teddy” all the time, but try a form-fitting tank top and a pair of Soffe shorts. If you insist on pants, try out a Yoga pant that highlights your “assets”. Yes, you want to be comfortable, but you can definitely find a combination of comfort and sexy. While we’re talking about it, those granny panties should only be worn at a very specific time of month. This isn’t all about your man either, you will find it hard to feel sexy if you don’t feel like you look sexy. Get it?

2. Get Some Kiss of Fire. Yes, this product is good for more than your private parts! Have your husband pour a little on your erogenous zones, and then have him slowly lick it off and gently blow on the areas where he poured it. You will find that the sensation in those areas are extremely heightened! Don’t forget to return the favor. Oh, you will definitely thank me for this one later!

3. Send Him A Sexy Text. Whether you’re comfortable sending something with some sexually suggestive language or you are comfortable sending a full frontal selfie, just send it! This is going to make your man, and you when he responds, feel wanted and is guaranteed to start a sexy conversation that is going to increase both of your libidos throughout the day.

4. Talk Dirty You Naughty Girl! Yep, there isn’t much that will stroke your man’s ego like hearing how fantastic what he is doing feels. So, whether you already engage in a little dirty talk or you are usually as silent as a graveyard at midnight, step it up. Go a little overboard, and don’t worry about how you are going to sound. You are a naked woman having sex with him… NOTHING you say is going to sound stupid to him!

5. Try Something New. You don’t have to go completely crazy here, but the point is bring something to your sexual escapade that isn’t normally there. Whether that’s adding music to your lovemaking sesh or bringing in a new couples toy, just surprise him. This is a sure-fire way of bumping up the excitement and keep things feeling fresh!

6. Know His Turn-Offs and Stay Away From Them. Are you sure you know exactly what he doesn’t like? Of course, you have undoubtedly figured out most the stuff he does want, but just as important is knowing the things he doesn’t, and this can be tricky because most men are not exactly forward with their turn-offs because they don’t want to hurt your feelings. So, assure him that he isn’t going to cause you any distress, and ask him! This is the perfect opportunity to let him know exactly what you like and dislike and will lead to a much more fulfilling romantic relationship!

7. Fake Your Way To Great Sex. Now, this doesn’t mean you should fake your orgasm! That is never a good idea, as most men always know when you fake it, and it will do nothing but hurt their ego. What I mean is I know there are times you just aren’t “feeling it”. Maybe you feel bloated, have a lot of other things on your mind, or you just aren’t “in the mood”. That’s okay…it happens to everybody, but instead of just laying there and “getting it over with”, which is going to definitely hurt his feelings, try imagining that you are like the ultimate sex goddess! Imagine that you are completely into it, give him your complete focus, pretend to be overwhelmingly turned on, and you will soon find that you’re enjoying yourself regardless of how you felt to begin with. Obviously, this isn’t going to work every time, but if you were going to go ahead and do it anyway, you might as well not cheat yourself!

8. Have Sex Just To Have Sex! It’s definitely nice to light the candles, turn the music on, spend an hour on foreplay, and have an amazing lovemaking session, but sometimes you just need to “throw down”! So, instead of going through whatever your normal routine is, try just grabbing him, pulling him into the room (or kitchen, car, shower, whatever), and Fornicate Under Command of the King! These types of romps in the hay will undoubtedly be the ones he thinks of when he fantasizes about sex with you!

9. Do Something A Little Scary. It is proven that fear stimulates the production of Dopamine in your brain, which can lead to an incredibly high libido! On your next date night, try doing something a little scary, like going to see a scary movie, going to a haunted house, riding the scariest roller coaster you can find, etc. You’ll both be ready to grab each other and not let go by the night’s end…guaranteed!

10. Be Enthusiastic! In my humble opinion, this is the most important factor in every area of a sexual relationship! Enthusiasm is what shows REAL interest and what lets your lover know they are wanted and desired. There is no bigger turn-on than feeling wanted, and no bigger discouragement than feeling unwanted. If you do not do any of the above things, this tip is the one that can make the largest difference in your sexual relationship and in the way your husband views you. The best thing is that you don’t even have to change the things you do, just do them with more enthusiasm! If you try this and it doesn’t work for you, I will put my damn foot in my mouth! Really show him that he is the one you want to be with and that he is truly desired. I guarantee positive results!

Let us know how you feel! Do you have any tips to be a super sexy wife?

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Originally published at www.forladiesonlyparty.com on August 3, 2015.



DESIRED Magazine

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