25 Secret Hooks to Go Viral on Instagram, TikTok & Twitter in 2024

9 min readNov 8, 2023


Imagine this you’re scrolling through TikTok and you stumble upon a video that starts with “Watch this if you want to make $100,000 in just 13 hours.”

Won’t you pause and want to listen?

Even I would stop.

Creating scroll-stopping content depends on one crucial element: Your Hook.

We spent over 125 hours combing through TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter looking through videos that went viral on those platforms, we were trying to find the “secret sauce” that these videos used to capture widespread attention.

We found it!!!

I’ll show you how to transform your content from a level 5 to a perfect 10, all with the power of your hook.

You’ll see 25 hooks that have been rigorously tested and proven to be a magnet for virality that you can use and I’ll also show you how to use them in your content.

But before we dive into these templates, let’s first look at the meaning of a hook.

What is a Viral Hook?

When you think of a hook, the image that often comes to mind is a fishhook.

Think of a hook like a fishhook — it’s there to bait and capture your readers’ attention.

Your hook should immediately capture your audience’s attention, spark their curiosity, and compel them to take action.

Recent studies show that the attention span is now 8.25 seconds, no one has the patience to stick around if they’re not captivated by the first few things you say.

So, your goal is to grab their attention, immediately and this blog will show you how to do that.

Not saying the things that come after your hook don’t matter but how will your audience watch the rest of the content if they are not drawn in by the hook?

How do you write a good hook for a video? Let’s look at the elements of a good hook.

Elements of a good hook

  • Immediate and Attention Grabbing: Your hook must be scroll-stopping, it must immediately grab their attention. E.g. do you want to make 200k in just 1 hour?
  • Spark curiosity: Your hook must pique your viewer’s interest, it should make them want to know more and watch your video till the end.
  • Relatability and relevance: Your hook must be relatable to your target audience whether it’s addressing a common challenge, offering a solution, or presenting information in a way that’s particularly relevant to them.
  • Urgency and timeliness: 2 seconds, it takes only two seconds for a viewer to decide whether to stay on your video or keep scrolling.

Use this to your advantage by making your hook convey a sense of urgency so they won’t want to miss out on the content of the video.

  • Shareability: The content of your video should be something your viewers want to share with others and this increases its chance of going viral.

Now for the exciting part!!

Here are 25 Hook templates for you to steal. With examples!

  1. If you’re in your 20s and feel [Challenge], watch this….

E.g if you’re in your 20s and feel scared, watch this video

2. I worked in [Niche] for 5+ years and learned the habits of people who were literally broke. Here are Y ways to [state the thing your user wants to avoid]

E.g I worked in content creation for 6 years and learned the habits of people who were genius storytellers. Here are 4 things to do if you want to succeed as a content creator in 2023.

3. X images that will make you a better (Expert)

E.g 10 YouTube videos that will make you a better singer

4. I’ve done X in revenue in Y years as an (Expert). And I didn’t have to do ABC( break their belief). My Z “must use” (Skill) tools

E.g I have made 10 million naira in 3 years of being a developer and I didn’t have to write a line of code. My 10 must-use no-code tools.

5. 98% of people don’t know how to find ABC. So, I’ve audited X+ (Platform) to give you some inspiration. Here are Y of the very best

E.g 99% of people don’t know how to design a logo… Finding the right colors and style can take HOURS. Here’s how you can do it in under 3 minutes using AI

6. Here’s (amount) underestimated (hack/tip/trick)

E.g here is 7 hacks to lose weight in 5 days

7. Everyone wants to [Achieve a Goal]. The first step is to [Action]. Here are [Number] [Tools/Strategies] to increase your [Skill] — starting now:

E.g Everyone wants to become a better writer.

The first step is to read more books on diverse topics.

Here are 10 reading strategies to increase your writing skills — starting now.

8. 98% of people don’t know how to [Achieve a Goal]. So, I’ve audited [Platform] to give you some inspiration. Here are [Number] of the very best:

E.g 98% of people don’t know how to invest in cryptocurrencies. So, I’ve audited Binance to give you some inspiration. Here are 15 of the very best crypto investment tips.

9. [Big Accomplishment] Here are [Number] learnings to help you [Achieve an Outcome]:

E.g After writing five bestselling novels, here are 10 learnings to help you become a successful author.

10. I’ve audited [Number] websites over the past [Time Period]. Here are [Number] learnings to help your landing page convert:

E.g. I’ve audited 500 websites over the past 5 years. Here are 20 learnings to help your landing page convert.

11. I’ve audited over [Number] different brands’ email marketing in the last [Time Period]. Here are [Number] learnings to help you drive more sales with email:

E.g I’ve audited over 2,000 different brands’ email marketing in the last 3 years. Here are 10 learnings to help you drive more sales with email.

12. [Skill] is the most profitable skill in [Year]. But it’s too damn hard to find resources to master it. Here are [Number] simple formulas to cut your learning period by [Percentage]:

E.g Copywriting is the most profitable skill in 2023. But it’s too damn hard to find resources to master it.

Here are 8 simple formulas to cut your learning period by 90%.

13. Storytelling is the most valuable (and profitable) skill on the planet. But that doesn’t mean it’s difficult… Here’s [Number] powerful storytelling frameworks you can start using in your marketing today:

E.g Storytelling is the most valuable (and profitable) skill on the planet. But that doesn’t mean it’s difficult… Here’s 5 powerful storytelling frameworks you can start using in your marketing today.

14. If you want to [Goal of the skill], don’t make these mistakes:

E.g If you want to win an argument, don’t make these mistakes.

15. X Sentences that will make you a better [Role] in just 2 minutes:

E.g Sentences that will make you a better leader in just 2 minutes.

16. 57 sentences that will make you a better husband and father today:

E.g 57 sentences that will make you a better husband and father today.

17. [Controversy about a niche] In the era of [Popular word], these [Number] [Niche] Techniques will make your [Skill] Stand Out:

E.g In the era of AI, these 7 Copywriting Techniques will make your copy stand out.

18. Top [Number] dead-simple hacks for [Audience] to [Result] without [Annoyance]:

E.g Top 10 dead-simple hacks for small business owners to boost their online presence without spending a fortune.

19. Use these [Number] dead-simple steps to 10x your writing (without the student loans):

E.g Use these 6 dead-simple steps to 10x your writing (without the student loans).

20. [Skill] is a superpower. It’s the key to [Outcome]. [Number] principles of [Skills] that you can start using today:

E.g Content marketing is a superpower. It’s the key to building brand authority. 7 principles of content marketing that you can start using today.

21. The most valuable skill: [Skill] Master it and you’ll [Result]:

E.g The most valuable skill: Public speaking. Master it, and you’ll captivate any audience.

22. I’ve built an [X] in [Y] time. My goal is still [Figure] by [Year]. Here are [Number] I’ll use to get there:

E.g I’ve built a successful e-commerce store in 2 years. My goal is still $1 million in revenue by 2024. Here are 10 strategies I’ll use to get there.

23. 40 Things I Wish I Had Known 10 Years Ago:

E.g 40 Things I Wish I Had Known 10 Years Ago about entrepreneurship.

24. The most valuable [broad topic] skill in [Year] isn’t what you think. Here’s why mastering [Skill] is your golden ticket:

E.g The most valuable leadership skill in 2023 isn’t what you think. Here’s why mastering emotional intelligence is your golden ticket.

25. [Number] Surprising Facts About [Topic] That Will [Outcome]:

E.g 10 Surprising Facts About Healthy Eating That Will Transform Your Lifestyle.

Tips to create viral content on social media

Going viral on social media often involves a combination of luck and consistent effort.

While there’s no guaranteed formula for virality, you can increase your chances by positioning yourself and your content effectively.

Here’s how you can go viral on social media:

  • Understand your audience
  • Create high-quality content
  • Be consistent
  • Keep an eye out for trending content
  • Interact with your audience
  • Use the right platforms
  • Optimize for shareability
  • Use trending sounds
  • Analyze and adapt
  • Establish a unique brand voice
  • Study competitors
  • Understand Your Audience: Know who you’re creating content for. Tailor your content to their interests, preferences, and behaviors.

Don’t create content that addresses the pain points of older people when your target audience is Gen Z.

  • Create High-Quality Content: Focus on producing content that is engaging, original, and high in quality.

Whether it’s informative, entertaining, or inspiring, make sure it stands out. Give uncommon value.

  • Be Consistent: Regularly post content to keep your audience engaged and to stay visible. Consistency helps in building a loyal following over time.

Consistency helps you stay top of mind.

  • Keep an eye out for trending content: Stay updated with current trends and topics that are relevant to your audience.

Utilize these trends in your content to increase relatability and shareability.

You don’t have to jump on every trend but it is good to be aware of trends and identify how you can relate them to your content

  • Interact with your audience: Interact with your audience through comments, messages, and community posts.

Engagement can foster a stronger connection with your audience and encourage sharing.

  • Use the Right Platforms: Different content performs better on different social media platforms.

Understand where your content fits best and focus your efforts there.

Posting long-form content works better on YouTube than it does on TikTok or Instagram, text content works better on Twitter, so be aware of these.

  • Optimize for Shareability: Create content that people are likely to share. This could be due to its humor, uniqueness, relevance, or emotional impact.
  • Use trending music: Jumping on trending sounds on social media takes your content one step closer to virality then from there the uniqueness and authenticity of the content help it go viral.
  • Analyze and Adapt: Regularly review the performance of your content. Understand what works and what doesn’t, and adapt your strategy accordingly.
  • Establish a unique brand: Be true to yourself and your brand. Authenticity can resonate more with your audience than trying to mimic what others are doing.
  • Study your competitors: look at people in the same niche as you, look at their content look at how you can do the same but better, find loopholes in their content, and use that to create better content.


Remember, going viral isn’t an exact science, and it often takes time and patience.

By following these steps, and using the hooks listed in this blog, you’ll be putting yourself in a better position to create content that has the potential to go viral.




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