The Narrow Road to Panda 5 and RSS Feeds

Panda Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2016

Today, we’re thrilled to launch our most requested feature, the ability to add your own feed via RSS.

We’ve been working very hard on our biggest update yet, and soon you’ll have your hands on Panda 5, which comes with a set of new amazing features. The aim is to enhance your experience by enabling further interaction with your feeds. For those of you that want to do more, now you can with small monthly subscription fee. When and if you upgrade, you’ll have access to the new features. We’re currently offering our main plus features for free until we close our public beta, so give it a spin whilst it’s still free. But don’t worry everything you currently see and use on Panda now will remain free. We will be launching more awesome plus features in the upcoming weeks.

Panda has no investors and we want to keep it this way as long as possible.

Instead, we want to focus on building the best news reader in the market. Getting investment is a double edged sword, it can help, but most times it often hinders the product. The focus shifts to growth instead of serving the current user base. We don’t want to risk it and take our eye off the ball. We’d rather spend time developing the product, than distract ourselves wooing investors. So now we’re turning to you, our users to be our investors. Will you support us? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Adding your own RSS feed

Now you can add any news feed by entering the RSS URL in Panda. Currently we are fetching articles without the images so you can browse them in the news columns.

note the inspiration feed on a single column ;)

It’s very easy to add RSS feeds, just type the URL and we will fetch the RSS feed address from the page’s source code. If we can’t find it, don’t hesitate to just type the exact RSS feed address itself :)

easy peasy

Right now you can add up to a maximum of 10 RSS Feeds. We’d love to hear your thoughts! Hit us up on Twitter @usepanda or leave a comment.



Panda Blog

Sharing the best things from Panda, a new type of RSS reader for designers, developers and entrepreneurs.