Photographs of Leicester city centre, United Kingdom from far away, 2020 onwards


2 circle photographs above and 2 circle photographs below, of New Walk Leicester showing various city and landscape shots, showing people and places
Selected images from the photographic documentary project

For this photographic observational and documentary project, travelling around Leicester city centre and Leicestershire, we found and searched-out interesting positions and locations, that would reveal views of Leicester city centre from far away. We took photographs from pretty much a circle around the city centre, and also had to really respect and research the natural daylight conditions, weather and time of day. We tried to avoid low-light and haze (because of poor long-range visibility and impact on the clarity of images), but it is easier said than achieved. Our photography skills are still developing and the learning curve is steep.

If you would like to know more about Leicester city in the United Kingdom, and for comprehensive tourist information, please visit:, the website has information about current events, how to get here, things to do and see, and much more. It is easy to get to, as it is in the middle of the U.K. (vertically and horizontally).

About 70 select and edited photos in this photographic project are available to buy from our photography album on Alamy You can view our main Alamy photography portfolio here

We are also available to do photography commissions around the United Kingdom. Visit our website for more information, we offer a range of services from book design, information design, website design and photography, and more.

We do hope you enjoy the photographs, and that they become more interesting and valuable as time goes by.

