5 Top Essential Productivity Tools for App Marketers

UserExperior — Heatmap Analysis
1 min readApr 14, 2020


UserExperior provides one of the best touch heatmap tools for your mobile development team. It displays the accurate touch events that lead users to stop using an app, along with displaying the touch events occurred in the non-responsive areas of an app.

Want to see how all users navigate through the app screens? Then, you must use our customer journey analytics tool that features real user monitoring. This tool helps you view and recognize the app sections where users quitted the most without finishing their journey. It also helps you know the reason behind this dropout by letting you watch the session video replay of the users who left using your app. Our Android/iOS app analytics heatmap tool combines all user gestures and demonstrates them in a heatmap density. You can use this map for recognizing the most used or least used app areas.



UserExperior — Heatmap Analysis

Android & iOS App Analytics, Mobile App Heatmaps, Real Time Customer Journey, Video Sessions, ANR Replay, App Crash Report in One Tool — UserExperior