Full Stack Developer Vs Software Engineer

3 min readFeb 3, 2023


When choosing a professional for your web application development project, it’s important to know what they do. A full stack developer and a software engineer are two different roles that each have their own set of skills and tools.

Both careers require problem-solving and a natural ability to find solutions, but the mindset required is different. So, which one is right for you?

What is a full stack developer?

A full stack developer is a web application specialist who has the skills and knowledge to develop both front and back ends of a website or application. This includes working with HTML, CSS, and scripting languages like JavaScript to make websites visually appealing and functional.

The front end of a site or application is the part that people see. This requires skills in user interface design, coding details such as drop-down menus and fonts, and ensuring the site renders correctly across all browsers and devices.

It also requires understanding of HTTP and REST protocols, which facilitate communication between clients and servers. A full stack developer can work fluidly between front and back end development to create minimal viable products quickly.

Full stack developers often study computer science, engineering or a related field. However, a bachelor’s degree isn’t required for many jobs in this industry. Instead, a professional certificate or coding boot camp can be an affordable and efficient way to learn the full stack skills employers want.

What is a software engineer?

Software engineers are responsible for designing and creating the programs that make your computer and mobile device work. They use engineering principles (a set of rules, ideas and concepts) to approach projects systematically.

They apply programming languages to develop computer software applications like games, middleware, operating systems and business applications. They also implement software development processes that systematically manage changes to the code and configuration.

Because technology evolves so quickly, the field of software engineering requires a continual commitment to lifelong learning. Whether through professional development seminars or continuing education, software engineers stay on top of new technologies and skill sets to ensure they’re offering their clients the most efficient and effective solutions possible.

Software engineers typically work as part of a product development team, collaborating with other software engineers and developers, product managers, design teams, sales and support departments to meet their clients’ needs and deliver value to users. They must be able to understand both functional and non-functional requirements, including security, performance, reliability and scalability.

What is the difference between a full stack developer and a software engineer?

Full stack developers and software engineers are often used interchangeably, but they have different roles. A full stack developer is responsible for creating web applications from start to finish, including designing the front-end and setting up the back-end to communicate with the database.

Full-stack development is a growing career choice in the tech industry, with demand expected to increase 13 percent over the next few years, according to data from CareerOneStop.

While programming is a must, a full stack developer also needs to be able to debug code and communicate with teammates to ensure cohesive development.

Attention to detail is an important part of a full stack developer’s job, as they will often spend hours going through the code line by line to resolve issues or create new features. They’ll also need to be adaptable, since technology is constantly changing and they might have to learn new skills or work in a new environment.

Which is better for me?

If you’re looking for a coding career that involves working on both front end and back end operations, consider becoming a full stack developer. These jacks of all trades can use multiple technologies simultaneously, making them ideal for startups and larger organizations alike.

As a full stack developer, you may need to learn multiple programming languages and development frameworks, third-party libraries, front end technology, and basic design ability. You may also need a deep understanding of database management and data modeling skills.

You’ll also need an understanding of software development methodologies such as Agile and Scrum. These can improve productivity, code quality, and collaboration on software projects.

You can learn the skills you need to become a full stack developer through coding boot camps. These short-term programs give you hands-on coding experience, vital industry connections, and the opportunity to develop your coding portfolio.

