In Knowledge there is Opportunity

— — Operation OPHANIM — —

gus K
4 min readMay 16, 2019

FVEY =>{

Stratford=> “Geopolitical intelligence platform based on strategic intelligence, business intelligence, custom intelligence, written and multimedia analysis, corporate security analysis, risk mitigation.”


TrapWire=> “Software that takes data from the closed circuit cameras in large urban areas and makes the information more actable and functional.


Functions of TrapWire

It is software that can match surveillance data taken from multiple video feeds across the country as they are fed into a centralize system likely at their main hub in Utah, this data is analyzed in live time for patterns of behavior. It renders HUMINT.

It is persistent surveillance swathing unimaginable dumps of data; to understand TrapWire you have to understand the larger context because Trapwire is a critical piece of the surveillance protocall-Thomas A. Drake (NSA senior executive)

Surveillance Data= {

TrapWire => “HUMINT: a category of intelligence derived from information collected and provided by human sources.”


Critical Piece => “its the data from when you’re not plugged in”


August 2012

Wikileaks leaks 5,000,000 hacked Stratford emails.

Tens of thousands of the Stratford emails contain conversation, data and documents that detail TrapWire.

Upon the leak of the data The New York Time quickly released an article stating that it was only deployed in 15 cameras in New York City and the Department of Homeland Security wrote it off as a failure in 2009 as did the NYPD.

Why is this important?

The New York Times released their “discoveries/verdicts” in too short of a period to analyze 5,000,000 emails, anyone that took the time to look through emails would see clearly that in any given Subway system in NYC there are in fact over 500 cameras, active today.

The New York Times “lied” based on an agreement with NSA according to Thomas A. Drake(NSA-SE-Whistle-Blower). It should be noted that the Atlanta Times did the same thing with other sensitive data contained in the Stratford leak.

It has been confirmed to be deployed in,

  • New York
  • Philidelphia
  • Los Angles
  • Seattle
  • D.C.
  • Las Vegas

many other locations have evidence but at this time lack confirmation.

TrapWire isn’t just in America its been confirmed in England and Canada, why are other countries letting us in?








“NROL-39 is represented by the octopus, a versatile, adaptable, and highly intelligent creature. Emblematically, enemies of the United States can be reached no matter where they choose to hide. ‘Nothing is beyond our reach’ defines this mission and the value it brings to our nation and the warfighters it supports, who serve valiantly all over the globe, protecting our nation.” — —launched even after the 2013 surveillance disclosures AKA “That Thing They Said They’re Not Doing? They’re Totally Doing”


ECHELON, originally a secret government code name, is a surveillance program (signals intelligence/SIGINT collection and analysis network) operated by the US with the aid of four other signatory nations to the UKUSA Security Agreement

Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, also known as the Five Eyes or FYEY.

Five Eyes is a “supra-national intelligence organization that does not answer to the known laws of its own countries”- Edward Snowden

So why are other countries letting the USA in?: The USA is letting them in.

Snowden would leak documents in 2013 that revealed FVEY have been spying on one another’s citizens + sharing the collected information with each other in order to circumvent restrictive domestic regulations on surveillance of citizens, tl:dr … they’re using loopholes to share data openly on a global scale.

Below is what is public knowledge on the type of data shared, TrapWire is the KEY to the HUMINT aspect of intelligence gathering protocol.

It does not stop at 5, through the Foreign Affairs Directorate of the NSA the FVEY has paired with up to 14 on record at a given time…..officially known as SIGINT Seniors Europe, or “SSEUR”.






“ Australia”, “Canada”, “New Zealand”, “United Kingdom”, “United States”, “Germany”, “Denmark”, “France”, “Netherlands”, “Norway”, “Belgium”, “Italy”, “Spain”, “Sweden”]



The questions to be raised is , does a country have the right to incarcerate it’s citizens into a Panopticon under the blanket of the greater good?

If so, who watches the watchers…


Notable Organisations


Broadcasting networks

Financial institutions

Multinational corporations

Oil corporations

Search engines

Telecom operators

United Nations


