Roof Cleaning — Tips to Prevent Roof Leaks

Roofing Specialist
3 min readOct 5, 2022

Roof cleaning is important because it will remove moss, algae, and mold from your roof. It will also remove oxidation on metal roofs. By doing this, you will be extending the life of your roof. Here are some tips to make your roof as clean as possible: Clean your roof regularly to prevent algae growth.

Keeping your roof clean

Keeping your roof clean is a great way to prolong its life and prevent costly repairs. Debris and mold can grow on your roof, resulting in structural damage. It can also clog gutters and lead to leaks, requiring expensive repairs. Fortunately, there are several effective ways to keep your roof clean.

Keeping your roof clean will also protect the interior of your home from harsh weather conditions. As mentioned, many elements can damage the structural integrity of a roof, including heat, moisture, and wind. Dirt and grime can cause the shingles to separate from the roof deck, exposing vulnerable areas and resulting in leaks and damage within your home. To keep your roof clean, consider a few tips below. Clean your roof once a year to extend the life of the roof and keep it in excellent condition.

Professional roof cleaners use specially formulated biodegradable cleaning solutions. These solutions are safer to use than chemical cleaners that can harm the environment. Professional cleaners may also use a chemical cleaner to help keep algae and plant growth at bay. Professional cleaners are a better option than trying to do it yourself as it can lead to damage and void your roofing warranty. A professional cleaner will also use specialized safety equipment and know which areas of the roof require additional maintenance.

In addition to cleaning the surface of your roof, you should also inspect your roof’s insulation. Insulation can prevent moisture from escaping and keep the interior of your home cool. Roof insulation does not need the same cleaning regimen as the exterior, but it should still be checked once in a while, especially during cold weather.


There are many different factors that determine the cost of roof cleaning. These factors include location, complexity, size, and type of roof. Most contractors do not offer a fixed rate for a given job. The average cost is between $225 and $500 for a home with an asphalt shingle roof. However, the price will vary greatly depending on the size and type of roof.

Different roofs require different cleaning methods. For example, flat roofs made of tar or gravel cannot be cleaned with pressured water. However, roofs made of wood shakes, shingles, or tile are usually suitable for chemical or gentle power washing. Another option is metal roofing, which can be cleaned without damaging its surface.

The cost of roof cleaning will vary according to the type of roof, the number of stories, and the height of the roof. There are many methods of roof cleaning, and the most effective method depends on the materials and buildup on the roof. For example, a thick layer of lichen will require different cleaning methods than a thin layer of debris.

Chemical cleaning is an effective way of cleaning a roof. It is not inexpensive, but can be effective in removing loose debris and moss. However, this method will create a strong odor and may not produce instant results. Moreover, some chemicals can be harmful to trees and plants. If used improperly, it can also harm your roof’s aluminum gutters.

