5 business analysis trends that will determine its future

7 min readMay 8, 2024


Hello! My name is Elizaveta Akmanova. I am a senior analyst at Usetech. Having started my IT career in 2020, I have undergone significant development — from participation in micro-projects in small groups of 4 people to working on complex, highly loaded applications with daily participation of up to 90 professionals.

During this time, I became convinced of the importance of the role of a business analyst in the dynamic field of information technology. Today I want to share my experience and an overview of what, in my opinion, business analysts will face in the near future.


In a rapidly changing world of business analysis, the advance of new trends is crucial for professionals seeking to succeed in their roles. As we approach 2024, the business analysis landscape is evolving rapidly, driven by advances in technology, changes in business practices and changing market dynamics.

If we look at the market as a whole, the main drivers of growth were the staff involved in analytics and project management. For example, the number of vacancies for system and business analysts increased by 55% and 43%, respectively.

Also, about the development of business analysis can be found in the article «JOB OUTLOOK FOR BUSINESS ANALYSTS IN THE UNITED STATES».

What do we expect from a business analyst in the future? What skills should he have by 2024? If these questions are of concern to you, you have come to the right place, as here I will share some, I think, important trends in business analysis that are shaping this position right now.

1. Focus on advanced analytics and artificial intelligence

In 2024, business analysts will increasingly dive into the realm of advanced analytics and artificial intelligence (AI). These forecasts are supported by data from «Analytics and AI predictions for 2024: Exploring the future», as well as by research within Usetech «Using artificial intelligence in 2024: forecasts of experts and cases». The integration of artificial intelligence tools and machine learning algorithms will allow analysts to extract valuable information from large datasets, allowing for more informed decision-making. As companies continue to use big data, business analysts with skills in navigating and interpreting complex datasets will be in high demand. Whether it is forecasting market trends, identifying customer preferences or optimizing operational processes, the synergy between business analysis and artificial intelligence is designed to change the profession.

This area has affected me. I am currently involved in a project to automate the work of the contact point, namely, to facilitate interaction between operators and customers. There was a question about introducing artificial intelligence. The current implementation already uses an interactive voice menu (IVR), which communicates virtually with the client and sends it to the appropriate line of the operator.

There is potential for further development in this area: the possibility of consulting clients on basic issues (availability of goods in the store or in warehouses, description of goods and their scope) can be introduced and implemented using an artificial intelligence-based chatbot to communicate with customers. This will increase customer loyalty, as communication will be instantaneous as well as relieve operators to the maximum, allowing them to solve more important tasks such as online sales.

2. Client-centered analysis

As companies continue to focus on customer experience, business analysts will shift their focus to client-centered analysis in 2024.

The pandemic has dramatically changed the way we interact with products in our daily lives, and spurred the development of new IT products. There has been an increase in demand for telecommuting platforms (Zoom, Teams), online delivery services (Yandex Food, Crossroads), telemedicine and educational platforms (Google Classroom). Clients’ paths have become more complex, and customers themselves are more demanding.

Understanding customer behavior, preferences and feedback will be an integral part of developing business strategies. Business analysts will use advanced tools to collect, analyze and interpret customer data, providing valuable information to improve products and services. By adopting a client-centered approach, organizations can adapt their offerings to changing customer expectations, ultimately contributing to their loyalty and retention. Business analysts will play a key role in transforming customer data into effective business growth strategies.

In my experience, I was faced with the problem of poor-quality study of the client’s path. The departure of one of the contact center platforms has created an urgent need for import substitution and the creation of a product. However, the lack of user experience and the unsuccessful formation of the client route led to the transfer of the errors of the previous system to the new one. As a result, it took a huge amount of resources and time to completely redesign the platform, which could have been excluded with a more thorough analysis at the initial stage.

Here I would like to recall the Boehm curve, which reflects the relationship between the development phase and the cost of fixing errors. At the requirement specification stage, each defect is eliminated times faster than if the same defect were discovered at a later stage, for example, in the testing process. This underlines the importance of careful initial analysis to minimize labor and improve the efficiency of the entire development cycle.

There is also an inverse curve, which reflects the relationship between the development phase and the probability of a successful solution. Each error does not exist in isolation, but affects the entire product, affecting the adjacent functions. Sometimes, to solve a problem effectively, it is necessary to make changes not only to the error itself but also to its surrounding processes, which can significantly extend the development cycle. In such cases, they often prefer to use an incorrect, “crutch” solution to accelerate the work.

3. Development of predictive analysis for proactive decision-making

In the rapidly changing world of business analysis, where companies are forced to continually improve their processes using data and automation, there is a growing demand for specialists with skills in data management. The use of analytics will allow companies to make their decisions more qualitative and reasonable.

A business analyst synthesizes end-users, business and technological development. Their unique insight and vision enable them to guide decision-making, shape client strategies and participate in technological change. These factors make the role of business analyst in digital transformation crucial. In 2024, a predictive analyst will be the cornerstone of training business analysts and employment. The forecasts take into account the findings of the study: «Top 3 Data and Analytics Trends to Prepare for in 2024».

Business analysts will increasingly use predictive modeling techniques to predict future trends and results based on historical data. This shift to proactive decision-making allows organizations to outperform competitors by identifying potential problems and opportunities before they arise. From forecasting sales trends to forecasting project risks — predictive analytics provides a strategic advantage in an unpredictable business environment. Business analysts will play a key role in implementing and interpreting these predictive models, acting as strategic partners in guiding organizational decision-making.

4. Agile and DevOps integration for process optimization

In 2024, with the introduction of flexible methodologies and practices, DevOps will continue to gain momentum, and business analysts will be in the vanguard of this cultural shift (this is, in particular, said the results of the study: «Top DevOps Stats That You Can Miss in 2024»). Agile frameworks provide faster and more adaptive project management, while DevOps emphasizes collaboration between development and operation teams. Business analysts will play a critical role in ensuring smooth communication between these teams, facilitating the rapid development and implementation of high-quality products. As organizations strive to increase efficiency and shorten market entry times, Agile and DevOps integration will become standard practice, and business analysts will serve as a link between stakeholders and development teams.

5. Multiple career paths

Business analysts are becoming influential players in the rapidly developing world, combining digital skills, commercial flair, and industry expertise.

This evolution leads to a variety of career paths for business analysts, providing many opportunities in the context of a rapidly changing professional landscape. More information about statistics and a description of each career track can be found in the article «What is a Business Analyst?».

Defining a core specialization is crucial. What unique value do you want to add to customers? Analyze the opportunities presented in your current project to more clearly define your guidance in choosing the best career path.


The evolution of the role of business analysts is becoming more apparent, combining digital skills and expertise to achieve successful results in different industries. With the advent of new technologies and the pursuit of a client-centered approach, innovation-oriented business analysts with the right skills play a key role in the success of organizations.

In the future, business analysis will be a must for companies seeking successful digital transformation. Technical business intelligence skills will remain in demand, but social, interpersonal, leadership and critical thinking will also be important for effective coordination and engagement with stakeholders.

Business analysts need to adapt to change, focus on digital progress and improve their skills. Combining the technological and human aspects of business analysis will be key to success in a rapidly changing business environment. The time had come to embrace a change in the business analyst role and focus on value-added for organizations, while keeping in mind cultural change and flexibility.




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