Borewell problems and solutions — trending — Krishna Borewell

usha ramkumar
2 min readFeb 23, 2020


Bore well machine — advanced borewell technology — krishnaborewell

Which is the best season/time to go for borewell?

Borewell drilling will be successful depending on the groundwater source under the soil at the site. The groundwater will be maximum in the areas that are surrounded by fauna — that is plants and many trees. There is no particular season designated to go for borewell drilling. But the best time suggested by borewell experts — like Krishna Borewell are the summer seasons. For agriculture borewell too, the preferred seasons is summer because of the maximum efficiency of borewell rigs that can drill the ground to find the groundwater source.

How to identify a suitable site for borewell?

Groundwater survey done by professional geologists or hydrologists can find a suitable site for borewell. Krishna Borewell has a team of highly experienced Geologists or hydrologists who implement water diving, seismic refraction, vertical electrical sounding and other methods depending on the requirement and site of the borewell drilling. Call 7406877775 to know more.

How are charges for drilling a borewell calculated?

Borewell drilling is calculated as per the following factors —

the depth of the borewell drilling — cost is calculated per feet

the length of the casing pipe of the borewell pump

the installation charges of the borewell pump

the flushing charges of the borewell water

the transportation charges of the borewell drilling rigs and equipment

