How to lose weight in lockdown time?

usha ramkumar
3 min readMay 26, 2020


A healthy diet with portion control and exercises to tone your body into shape, a good amount of physical activity and a perfect sleep pattern will help you lose weight in lockdown time.

Healthcoachshri has amazing workout sessions lined up for you to lose weight in lockdown time. Book online fitness programs at Healthcoachshri that are well-planned with unbelievable online fitness package.

how to lose weight — belly fat in lockdown — healthcoachshri — high plank posture

How to lose the belly fat?

1. What Is A Healthy Diet to follow while at home?

Bring in the right amount of nutrients including vitamins, minerals, proteins and others, to your plate for every meal — breakfast, lunch and dinner. Hydrate your body well with a lot of fluids in between the meals. Plan to take up the meal at the same time every day. Go for intermittent fasting that helps in energizing the digestion process

2. Which is the best Workout plan for losing weight while at home?

Exercise has been the best-proven method to increase the metabolism level of your body that in turn is beneficial to reduce belly fat. HIIT Workout, Cardio workout, Cross fit workout are some of the best workout plans for losing weight while at home. Healthcoachshri has come up with the right online fitness session to lose weight in lockdown time. Go for it, you will get the best belly you have been dreaming about!

3. What is the best Sleep pattern to follow during the lockdown?

Lie down on your back and relax as the day unfolds to the night. Relax your body cells, give them the luxury for rejuvenation. The Sleep pattern is very important in losing weight in lockdown time while staying at home. Follow the same sleep pattern — time to sleep and time to wakeup. The digestive system gets the right energy and activity to get your digestion process done in the right way. You lose your belly fat in a jiffy!

4. Which is the most important step while losing weight in lockdown time?

Love yourself every bit, while you are travelling on the journey of losing weight in lockdown time. Every step taken by you for losing weight must be accomplished with passion. Enjoy the weight loss process and you will see the results in your body sooner and quicker.

5. What are the best yoga poses to lose weight and lose belly fat?

Yoga has been one of the ideal ways to lose weight and lose belly fat to have a flat stomach. Chaturangadandasana — Plank pose, Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana — Bridge pose, Virabhadrasana — Warrior pose, Parivrtta Utkatasana — Twisted Chair pose, Trikonasana — Triangle pose are some of the excellent yoga poses proven to lose belly fat and lose weight.

Call Healthcoachshri at +91–8618333104 or Visit to get the best ways to lose weight and to lose the tough belly fat in lockdown time! Go for Happy Weight Loss Sessions!

