Trending now — How to increase the borewell yield — Important Tips from Krishna Borewell

usha ramkumar
2 min readFeb 26, 2020


How to increase borewell yield for Agriculture

Important guidelines to increase borewell yield

Water is an essential requirement for all. We can use water efficiently by tapping water from important resources. Increase the borewell yield for a continuous supply of water throughout the year.

Household Water Saving Tips

Use a minimum required amount of water to perform a task. For all the household purposes such as washing utensils, washrooms, watering plants — use shower caps on the taps. Keep washing machine activities limited to two days a week.

Save Rainwater — Important Tip to Increase Borewell Yield

Rainwater is the best source to increase your borewell yield. Rainwater harvesting is the best tip for every type of water requirements — including apartments, independent house, agriculture, industries, corporate world and farming. Agriculture — the farmers are able to grow certain crops all through the year instead of seasonal crop growth — through drip irrigation with rainwater. Thus increasing the borewell yield giving a continuous supply of water.

Use Water filter Equipment

Water filter equipment can save a lot of water yet helping to complete all your tasks related to water usage. Make efficient use of water by using water filters in taps, thus reducing the water usage as well as stay away from harmful germs that get filtered. Also, you save electricity thus giving you the opportunity to save money as well.

Go for Organic Cleaning Agents

Organic cleaning agents help every type of cleaning requirements in a healthy way and are environment-friendly. Your regular day to day ingredients for preparing food can help a lot acting as cleaning agents that are natural products yet helpful in cleaning activities creating germs free zone.

Krishan borewell has the best borewell yield solution. Call 7406877775 for every type of borewell service in and around Bangalore — the leading borewell contractors near you. Available 24 x 7 for customer support.

