Roadmap to OSCP 2023

Usman Shah
9 min readJun 28, 2023


Crack OSCP in 6 months, starting from scratch.

Hello again,

I have received a lot of DMs asking me about how to prepare for OSCP, what all things to learn, where to learn from etc. So, lets pave a roadmap for the guys just starting out in OSCP looking to clear it in their first try.

OSCP is indeed one of the most prestigious certification in cybersecurity — no matter what any other certification body tells you, OSCP still tops the charts.

  • They have quality material and their labs are amazingly good.
  • Discussion forums are well built, support is 24x7.
  • Teaches you how to manage time and stress to bring out the best in you. Enforcing the ‘Try Harder’ Mentality.
  • Its one of those exams where you wont find any leaks/dumps for — if you do find, believe me they are just fake. OSCP has different set of labs and objectives for every single examination.
  • It is expensive, but it has the potential to bring back your money 10X once you qualify and then market yourself properly.


First get your foundations clear and strong.

Great, now you have covered the basics on Networking, Operating Systems, Web fundamentals and essential scripting languages.

All the above mentioned basics should be covered easily in a span of one month.


Now, lets focus on some stronger technologies and tools which will help you upskill yourself.
  • PortSwigger: Hands-down the best theory and practical workplace to learn about web application penetration testing. It is free of cost. Complete all their rooms [ or most of them ] — you’ll get a solid understanding on web application attacks, what are they and how to exploit them. They also provide free practice labs for each one of them.
  • TCM-PEH Course: The MUST-HAVE. The practical ethical hacking course from TCM Academy covers everything that you’ll need to understand in penetration testing and successfully be able to showcase it too. Enrol in this course and you will see yourself level up very fast. The course also covers creating your own vulnerable lab along with in-depth Active Directory practicals. [ Pro-Tip: The AD covered here is more than enough to ace the OSCP AD portion of the exam ]

The intermediate level should take you almost 2 to 2.5 months to complete. Rest assured, once you do all these things — you already have completed more than 60% of OSCP.


  • Enrol in for the OSCP Exam and finish all your topic exercises first — this will give you additional 10 points [which comes in very handy, if you get stuck at the 60 point mark in the exam, these 10 points will help you pass the exam]. Pro-Tip: Brisk through topics like AV Evasion and exploit development (90% of the time these topics are not tested in the new OSCP Pen-200 exam, these are more focused on the Pen-300 exam).
  • Start doing ‘Hard’ rooms in TryHackMe. Don’t hesitate to lookup the walkthroughs, just keep in mind the pro-tip i gave on this above.
  • Get the TJ-Nulls List [] of OSCP-Like machines, which he has collected from platforms like HTB, Vulnhub, Proving Grounds play and practice and start doing those machines.
  • Proving Grounds: These machines are sooo similar to the machines that you see in your exam. The mentality and the approach used in the PG machines are the ones that you can expect in your OSCP exam. Complete almost 50+ PG machines [Play+Practice].
  • Ippsec: Watch and learn from ippsec as much as you can. He is popular for providing video walkthroughs of most of the HTB Machines — which is very helpful. Youtube: and website: [helps in finding relevant commands for an attack type you might be looking for].
  • Practice: Practice , Practice and Practice — thats whats going to make you perfect.


  • Linux: Play around with your own linux VM [that you’ll be using for the exam], properly structure everything in specific folders, collect all linux tools, windows tools, public exploits, get some of the famous exploits compiled for both 64 and 32 bit windows versions (exploits like the potato ones) and structure everything for ease of access and navigation during your exam. Trust me, having a properly structured linux OS saves you a lot of time. Learn some quick linux shortcuts to get your work done in seconds to increase your efficiency and save you time. Learn the directory structure, know what types of files are stored under which directory etc.
  • Powershell: Strengthen your powershell skills. learn to create one-liner powershell reverse shells, enumeration commands on powershell, commands like finding hidden directories, looking up permissions, play around with attacks like DLL hijacking and unquoted service paths etc.
  • Bash: Get expert in bash scripting. Learn to form loops and write simple scripts in bash. Learn bash one-liners for reverse shell, for loop, while loop, stabilising shells with TTY etc.
  • Enumeration and Reconnaissance: Strengthen your recon skills. Master tools like NMAP, Dirbuster, Gobuster, Nikto, Dirb, Wpscan, Crackmapexec, Smbmap, enum4linux-ng, winpeas, linpeas, wes-ng, les, powershell nishang and empire tools, tools from impacket toolkit, learn to create virtualised environments quickly using pip and venv.
  • Know your tools: Know your tools and their dependencies, know what type of tools require python 2.x, what type of tools require python 3.x and have a separate working environment for those type of tools. A lot of the misconfigurations in the linux OS are due to improper pip or apt installs, without knowing the dependencies and the affect it can have in your environment puts you in a lot trouble when you are stuck in a certain phase of a pentest and you just cant get the task done, because you have some improper set of dependencies or have some missing dependencies. Keeping this intact will save you alot of time.
  • Note-Making: Note making is very essential and helps you save you a lot of time. If you need to look up on some concept or command, and you are finding it hard to recollect during your exam, instead of just randomly googling around, you can just go to your notes and take it up from there. The best tool for note making and the tool which i personally also use is Obsidian.

The advanced and extras portion should take you around 2–2.5 months more. Trust me, if you do all this , i can confidently say that you are very much ready for the exam.


  1. HTB machines are way harder than OSCP machines. If you find yourselves doing HTB [Medium level] machines easily without any walkthroughs — you are ready for the OSCP exam.
  2. Complete the Full AD machines’ path of HTB — Nothing in OSCP in the AD set will come outside of this. []. If not the full path, at least do machines like Forest, Active, Sauna, Resolute and Cascade.
  3. Don’t go for the exam before you complete the full TCM-PEH course by TCM Academy. In my experience, the things you’ll learn there will benefit you in your exam 10 folds, specially the AD Part.
  4. Complete a total minimum of 100 Boxes from platforms like HTB, THM, PG-Play and PG-Practice.

If you haven’t yet read my OSCP Journey, have a look:

If you want to have a look at my new website [the website is still in process of populating content in it, but already has some useful technical blogs], visit:

If you wish to contribute to my new website with your technical knowledge and content, we are happy to collaborate. Mail me at

Want to know more about me? visit my linkedin profile at:

Hope you had a good read.

Thank you.



Usman Shah

A fervent cybersecurity professional sharing back knowledge with the community.