electronic data processingMethods of Electronic Data Processing (EDP)

3 min readFeb 8, 2023


There are many different ways to process data, but when it comes to “electronic data processing,” there are some that are very common. In almost every industry, these strategies are widely used. The following is a description of some of the most common electronic data processing methods, arranged in order of popularity:

Time-sharing, real-time processing, online processing, multitasking, interactive processing, batch processing, and distributed processing are all briefly outlined below:

Time Divided: Numerous nodes connected to a central processing unit (CPU) accessed the CPU. The amount of time allotted to each user is controlled by a multi-user processing system. The Central Processing Unit allows for sequential allocation of time slices by each user. The task should be completed by the user within the allotted time frame. If the user is unable to complete the task, another time slice can be used to complete it.

Instantaneous Processing: The primary goal of real-time processing is to provide information that is accurate and current. When the computer processes the incoming data, it is possible. It will inform the immediate response of possible outcomes. It would have an impact on the coming events. The best illustration of real-time processing is making reservations for seats on trains and airplanes.

The reservation system updates the reservation file if seats have been reserved. The process of obtaining the information’s output through real-time processing is almost instantaneous. When it comes to obtaining output, this method saves the most time.

Processing on-line: The data are processed as soon as they are received in this processing method. The computer can be directly connected to the data input unit with the aid of a communication link. A network terminal or online input device may be included in the data input. Research and recording of information are the most common uses of online processing.

Multiprocessing: Multiprocessing is the simultaneous use of multiple processors on the same computer to process multiple tasks. Mainframes and network servers support this possibility. A computer may have more than one independent CPU during this process. This significantly accelerates data processing.

In a multiprocessing system, coordination can be achieved. The memory of the various processors is shared during this process. The information is obtained by the processor from a distinct component of one or more programs.

Multitasking: It is an important part of processing data. Multitasking is the practice of working with multiple processors simultaneously. The various tasks in this process use the same processing resource. Time-sharing operating systems are used in the process of multitasking.

Processing that is interactive: There are three kinds of functions in this method. The various types of functions are as follows: Peak detection Integration Quantitation This is an easy way to work with the computer. This part of the process can compete with each other for resources.

Processing in bulk: A technique for processing organized data into distinct groups is batch processing. The processing data can be divided into groups using this strategy over a set amount of time. The computer can prioritize various interactions using the batch processing method. This method is one of a kind and helpful for processing.

Processing that is distributed: Due to their connection to a larger workstation, remote workstations typically employ this approach. This procedure results in superior services for the customers. The businesses can spread out the use of geographical computers through this process. ATMs are the best illustration of this distributed processing strategy. The banking system is connected to the ATMs.

